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July 2022                              July 2022
 with friends who live in the same block of flats as them, and a few family members      DATES FOR
 including two of their four great grandchildren.
 We took along cakes and prosecco to the communal lounge and had a lovely      YOUR DIARY
 time with lots of laughter.  Dad recalled how his mother had sorted out lifts to the
 church for everyone that day except for the groom and his younger twin brothers,
 they ended up getting a bus from Worcester Park, and then having to walk the   2022
 rest of the way to more rural Send!  Friends wanted to see wedding pictures and I
 was  given  the  task  of  finding  the  Wedding  Album  in  one  of  the  boxes  in  the      Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
 wardrobe – those of you who have downsized or had to help relatives to downsize
 will know the problem going from a three-bedroom bungalow to a one-bedroom   Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club
 Anyway,  I  failed  in  the  task,  but  thankfully  Mum  did  find  it  later.    On  their     SP   18th   Salt and Pepper Club
 mantlepiece a  card from the Queen took  centre place  (what a  great  week  to
 have a card from Her Majesty) – they had one for their 60  but didn’t realise you
 can  have  another  one  5  years  later.    All  in  all,  it  was  a  lovely  celebration  and      24th   Seaton
 again, I’m glad Zach and Ruby were there to witness such a rare thing – hopefully,
 along  with  the  Platinum  Jubilee,  it  will  stay  in  their  memories  and  be  something
 they  can  talk  about  to  their  grandchildren  or  even  great  grandchildren  in  the   September
 future.  What a thought!
             1st    Talk and photographs on Dorset Village with Mary
 These  days  of  joy,  celebrations  and  the  gathering  of  happy  memories  are  so   Graham
 important especially as we know that there will times of sadness in the future.  It
 always  reminds  me  that  God  is  there  with  us  in  those  days  of  joy  and  in  the      7th   West Bay
 inevitable days of mourning, we’re sad because we love, we love because God
 loves us and encourages us to share that love with others.  For me there is comfort
 and peace knowing God is with me in the making of memories and in continuing
 to  keep  them  alive  in  my  heart,  I  love  this  quote  from  The  Bible,  ‘I  am  with  you      13th   Marion Catt talk   2.00pm
 always to the end of the age.’ Matthew 28:20.
         SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club
 With blessings
             21st   Wilton House Garden Centre

 PARISH AND BENEFICE NEWS      30th   Macmillan Coffee Morning, Village Hall   10-2

 Platinum Jubilee Exhibition         October
 Thank  you  to  everyone  who  supported  the  exhibition  in  the  church  over  the
 Platinum Jubilee four-day celebration.  It was a mammoth task, but well worth it.       5th   Street Shopping Village
 The  church  looked  beautiful,  decorated  with  flowers,  quilts,  art  and  craft  work.
 Thank you to everyone who exhibited.
             6th    Photographic Adventures on the Dorset Coast
 Special mention and thanks must go to all those who took on co-ordinating the
 different  bits  –  Alison  Debenham  and  Jill  Marsden,  Diane  Edmonds  and  Claire      11th   Sandy Milne  -  workshop   2.00pm

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