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July 2022                              July 2022

 SANDFORD PARKS LIDO   The  pool  like  many  others  had  been
       through  good  times  and  bad.  It
       experienced  its  heyday  immediately
       before  and  after  the  war.  However,
 The  memories  came  flooding  back  as  I
 looked through the entrance at the blue      with  times  changing  and  foreign
 oasis  of  the  pool  and  the  green   holidays  becoming  more  popular,
 parkland  behind.  Fifty  years  ago  in  the   harder  times  were  ahead.  Also,  new
 mid  60s,  Diana  and  I  used  to  make   indoor  facilities  in  Cheltenham  were
 regular  visits  to  the  Sandford  Parks  Lido   built in 1971 and the future of the lido
 and  very  little  seemed  to  have   was  called  into  question.  However,  a
 changed: the peace, the tranquillity, the   concerted campaign by its supporters
 buzz, the excitement remained.    saved the day and attendance levels
       of  over  232,000  in  1983  and  1984
 Set  in  four  wonderful  acres  of  parkland   proved the decision was a right one.
 and flower borders the pool was built in
       In  1996,  the  Borough  Council  handed  over  the  management  of  the  lido  to  a
       board  of  trustees.  A  charitable  trust  was  formed  and  Sandford  Lido  Limited,  a
       registered charity still runs the pool’s operations.  In my travels around the country,
 1934,  completed  in  early  1935  and
 opened  in  the  summer  of  that  year.   I  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  pools  are  not  always  best  run  by  local
 With  much  pomp  and  ceremony  the   councils and that a team of enthusiastic volunteers with a wide set of skills often
 then  mayor  of  Cheltenham  and  his   do a much better job bringing imagination, flair and enterprise to the table.
 lady wife travelled in open top motor       Keith was very keen to run the lido as
 cars  along  with  500  other  local        an  all  the  year  round  facility  and
 dignitaries  from  the  municipal  offices   develop  new  areas  of  activity.  After
 to the  lido.  After the mayor declared     all the place has so much to offer with
 the  pool  open,  his  lady  wife  pressed   its  Olympic  sized  pool  measuring  50
 the  button  to  set  the  magnificent      metres  by  27  metres  (10  lanes)  kept
 fountain into action.                       heated  to  a  temperature  of  24/25
 This  was  to  be  a  very  proud  moment  for  the  town  as  thousands  turned  out  to   degrees  C.  It  is  the  only  ASA
 witness the great day. I was soon to find out that the people of Cheltenham are   accredited 50 metre open air pool in
 still cherishing their own bit of paradise to this very day    the  country.    It  had  undergone  a
                                             major  refurbishment  in  2006/07  when
 “I’ve  come  to see  Keith Morris” I  said  to   the listing structure was stabilized with
 the  lady  at  the  entrance  to  the  pool.      a  hundred  supporting  piles,  a  new
 Keith  soon  emerged  from  his  office     pool  floor  installed  and  scum
 around  the  corner  with  Dave  Banyard    channels replaced.
 one of the pool trustees.
       We were soon joined by Tony Cherrington, the current vice chair of the trustees.
 I  was  immediately  struck  by  their   Tony, an ex GB water polo player and passionate supporter of the lido told me “I
 enthusiasm and pride in the place. Keith   love this place and people are always waiting for the pool to open each year”.
 was  the  business  and  operational   The  town  of  course  has  a  great  tradition  in  water  polo  and  Tony  remembered
 manager  for  the  pool  and  was  by  all   fondly  of  the  time  back  in  the  50s  when  2,000  people  turned  up  to  watch  the
 account a seven day a week man at this   team  beat  the  Australian  national  side  2-1.  On  the very  morning of my  visit  the
 time of the year.  Dave, a former mayor   polo  team  had  entertain  Sheffield  who  had  recently  been  promoted  to  the
 of  Cheltenham  had  retired  from council   National League in a friendly game at the lido. Tony was off to swim in the World
 work a few years ago and was now fully involved with his lifelong passion, the lido.

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