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July 2022                              July 2022


 YOUR DIARY                with TURNERSPUDDLE

                                                                 Our Mission:
 2022                         Our               To encourage awareness of the

 Floral Group   Autumn Leaves   Communibus   Women’s Institute  To make   presence of God through worship
                              Christ’s                      music and the arts;
 Salt and Pepper Club  Pop in Place   Twinning   Gardening Club   love   To encourage everyone in the
                              known in          Christian faith through example,
 20th  Salt and Pepper Club   the world           learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
 21st   Purbeck Film Festival evening in Briantspuddle Village  to live out   welcoming to all, and supportive
 Hall.  “Operation Mincemeat” (rating 12A)  his               of those in need;
 26th  Bridport                             To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.

 3rd   Party to Celebrate 50 years  LETTER FROM OUR ASSOCIATE PRIEST

 9th  Haskins and HobbyCraft   Well, I did say the Jubilee celebrations might not be a rest!  What a fabulous, but
       exhausting, few days, there was so much going on in the village, I had to catch
 15th  Coral Gardener  -  Christmas Open Demonstration at   2.00pm   up on the things going on in London on iPlayer later.  Even the weather behaved
 Tarrant Keynston Village Hall   – well mostly, it was a shame that the sports afternoon had to be postponed and I
       spent a damp time in Affpuddle churchyard under the marquee for their Jubilee
 17th  Salt and Pepper Club  Service and picnic – no spirits dampened though.
       We  had  our  two  older  grandchildren  staying  with  us  for  half  term  and  so  they
 23rd   Winchester   were able to join in and experience all that was going on.  We had a great week,
       from  a  damp  evening  at  the  T20  cricket  at  Southampton  on  Monday  (Ruby
       looked as if she’d been swimming after going on one of the inflatables!), being
 December   rained  on  at  the  Tank  Museum  outdoor  display  Tuesday  lunchtime,  to  Thursday
       beacon lighting and ice cream, Friday duck races, BBQ’s, and more ice cream,
 14th  Salisbury Christmas Shopping  playing  in  the  park,  topped  off  with  the  street  party  on  Saturday  and  Zach
       spinning Granny around as if they were on the tea cups at Paulton Park!
   SP  15th  Salt and Pepper Club  But  what  about  Wednesday  I  hear  you  say.    Wednesday  was  a  great  and
       momentous day for our family – let me take you back, back in time to 1st June
       1957,  when  my  parents  married  in  Send  Church  in  Surrey.    Sixty-five  years  later
 21st   Christmas Lights with Fish and Chip supper  -  leave at   they celebrated in a smaller way – they too like the Queen have mobility issues –
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