Page 7 - BR July 2024
P. 7

July  2024                             July 2024

 CHURCH AND VILLAGE     Christmas Tree Festival
       I am sorry to report that the planned event for 2024 is now to be cancelled. We
 ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS    have had a very low response to this festival and feel that this decision has to be
       made sooner rather than later in the year. Hopefully we might be able to review
                   and possibly hold one next year.
 Association  Contact  Tel   Address   E-mail   Meetings/Info   A big thank you to the very few who did make contact and offer help.

                                 Diane Edmonds, Sanctuary Church Flower Arrangers
 Bere Regis Scout   Liz Teather   01929   lizteather@hot  Wednesdays 6  -  7  pm
 Group (Beavers)   471216   5¾ - 8 years
       Scout Hut, Elder Road
 Bere Regis Scout   Neal Unitt-  07952      scout.troop.brs  Mondays 6.30 - 8.30 pm
 Group (Scouts)   Jones   023882    10½  to 14 years
             Scout Hut, Elder Road
 General or group   Chris Gall   0789634  chrisgall60@ya
 enquiries   7957
        1 July -14 July 2024
                              James Hawkins
 Bere Regis Scout   Emma Menzies  0746444     emma.menzies  Thursdays 6.30  -  8 pm
 Group (Cubs)      9191  8– 10½ or 11 years   15 July - 28 July 2024
    m   Scout Hut, Elder Road   Rosemary Cleave
                              Sarah Trenchard
 Kingsbere Explorer   Helen Unitt-  01929         Tuesdays 7.00 pm-9.00 pm.    29 July - 11 August 2024
 Scout Unit   Jones   472273   14-18 years, male and   Nancy Gibson
 female.  Scout Hut, Elder    Sue Steggals
 Briantspuddle Book   Angie Talbot   472483   19 Bladen Valley   angie@pbtalb  2nd Saturday 10  -  12 noon
 Let   Briantspuddle Village Hall,   SANCTUARY FLOWER GUILD
 in conjunction with Coffee
 Chapel Toddlers   Suzie Gee   472484   Rose Cottage, Butt   suziegtitus3v4@  Wednesdays  -  9.30 a.m.  -    6th   Claire Close & Eileen Salisbury
 Group   Land   11.30 a.m.  at the
 Congregational Chapel,
 Butt Lane
                                   13th      Diane Edmonds & Dian Pitts
 Village Hall   Joanna Syrett   472037
 (hire)   Joanna.syrett@
                                   20th      Diane Edmonds & Dian Pitts
 Dorset Councillors   Laura Beddow   07814      cllrlaura.beddo
    569563   w@dorsetcoun
 Mke Baker            27th      BELLRINGERS
 Kingsbere Quilters   Mrs Diane   472331   10 Boswell’s Close   edmonds473@  Monthly   Scout Hut
 Edmonds   BH20 7JE   1st Wednesday 9.30 am  -
 Bere Regis Swimming   Alan White   0756218  48 Cowslip Road,   anworcas@gm  5.15 p.m.—7.00 p.m. at the
 club   7100   Broadstone, BH18   Purbeck Leisure Centre,
 9QZ   Wareham
 Bere Regis Wildlife   Tony Bates   471563   The Beeches, Barrow   tonybates19@g  Meetings arranged as and
 Group         Hill   when
 Mike Gee   07759   mike.n.g@outlo

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