Page 65 - BR July 2024
P. 65

July  2024                             July 2024

 learn  that  there  are  ten  churchyards  to
 explore  in  the  benefice!  I  am  originally            August
 from  the  mountains  of  East  Tennessee,
 and I have always felt closest to God out       1TC
 in nature. I feel there is something about
 wildness, whether in the mountains or by
 the  sea,  that  reminds  me  of  God’s      6th   Stetminster Mill and Gillingham £12   9.30am
 immensity, beauty, and unpredictability.
 I  certainly  never  could  have  predicted     PC   8th             7.00pm
 that following God’s call would lead me
 to Dorset! I first came here in 2013 to be
 part of the Hilfield Friary community north         Summer break
 of Dorchester. It was an opportunity after
 working in wildlife conservation to spend       SP   15th   Soup, cold ham and salads, summer pudding
 time learning from Christians doing similar
 work, and to learn about their Franciscan way of life. I only meant to be here for a      21st    Soup and Sandwich Lunch and County quiz
 year, but loved it so much I stayed on, and during that time I met my husband,
 Jimmy. Jimmy was ordained in 2017 and we were married during his curacy, which
 he  served  in  a  benefice  on  Salisbury  Plain.  While  we  were  there  I  worked  for  A
 Rocha  UK,  a  Christian  conservation  charity  which  runs  the  Eco  Church  award
 scheme  you  may  be  familiar  with.  I  worked  with  Christian  landowners  to  share       FN   27th   Holiday
 learning  and  improve  land  management  practices  for  the  benefit  of  nature.  I
 started training for ordination when we moved to Dorchester in 2021 for Jimmy to
 begin  his  dual  role  as  vicar  of  St.  Mary’s  and  hospital  chaplain  at  DCH.  Do  say         September
 hello to him if you ever find yourself in DCH for any reason!
          1TC   7th   Shipwrecks of West Bay Selwyn Williams
 I  first  realised  that  God  was  calling  me  to  ordination  while I  was  at  Hilfield,  and
 while I am  still getting  my  head  around  the Church of  England and  know  that I
 have a lot to learn, I am excited to see what God has in store. At Sarum we were
 introduced to the idea of mission as “working out what God is doing in the world
 and joining in,” and I am very much looking forward to learning from you all what
 God  is  doing  in  West  Purbeck  and  joining  in  with  that  work.  I  look  forward  to      JC   8th   Education Sunday  -  blessing book bags
 meeting you!
 Peace and all goodwill,      10th   Martina Coleman  -  Footlights and Clapperboards

 Lydia Reese     PC   12th                                            7.00pm
 Lydia’s contact details are:  TeL: 07900 757669
          SP   19th   Roast beef, Apple and blackberry crumble

               15th   Search and Rescue  -  Dave Wraight

         FN    28th   Ribble, plus two more acts, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms   7.30pm

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