Page 24 - BR July 2024
P. 24

July  2024                                                                           July 2024


       Winterborne  Kingston  women’s  Institute  were  organising  the  group  meeting  this
       summer.      This  event  was  a  Grand  party  at  Abbots  Court  Farm  with  a  Dorset
       Theme with flags and a Dorset Quiz.  The group competition was for each W I to
       bake and bring a Dorset Apple cakes for desert.
       I was asked to prepare the entry for Bere Regis
       WI and decided to use the recipe from our own
       recipe book.  It was interesting to note that the
       recipe  originated  from  a  Mrs.  Stone.    On
       researching  the  Internet  I  found  the  Somerset
       Village of Doulting near Bath.  Not a true Dorset
       Apple cake.  Hurlingpot is a farm in the village
       with a grade II listed farmhouse

       Apple Cake

       Recipe as it appears in the Bere Regis book
       Mrs. Stone Hurlingpot Doulting
       To  1lb  self  raising  flour  add  6  oz  of  Margarine
       suet or beef dripping, 6 oz sugar, 4 to 6 fair sized
       apples peeled and cored and shredded, one or
       two beaten egg and a little milk.

       Mix together till the consistency of ordinary cake mixture.
       Bake in a greased Yorkshire pudding tin for about an hour until cooked serve hot.
       It is a very simple recipe and I made it with modern baking margarine and not
       beef  dripping  as  set  out  in  recipe.    I  did  not  have  a  Yorkshire  pudding  tin  so
       substituted using an 8 inch cake circular cake tin.  I cooked it for just over an hour
       at 180°.

       I failed to win the competition as it was un-cooked in the middle.  It looked good,
       rose well in the middle and tasted pretty good.  If I had used a shallower Yorkshire
       tin it probably would have cooked properly.  It is a good recipe and I would do it

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