Page 61 - jul2021
P. 61

July 2021                              July 2021

       Please come and do your shopping!
       You might also be interested in getting involved as a volunteer!
       Could you spare just a few hours a week or a fortnight. We would really welcome
       some more help in the shop, particularly over the summer months.  You need to
       be at the shop by 8.45am to help prepare the shop for opening and you should
       be away by 12.15pm. You will have training and support in the use of the till and
       stock system. It is a very good way of getting to know others in the village and
       keeping up with the local news. If you’re interested speak to Stuart or Lesley next
       time you’re in the shop or email me at the email below.

       You might prefer to collect stock. Even if its just once a month, help on a Saturday
       morning to collect fruit and veg from Wareham market, or the newspapers from
       Puddletown on a Thursday morning, it would be a massive help.

       And finally for this particular “call to arms” I am aware that some members of the
       current committee who have been serving for a while would like to step down.
       And so if you would like to be involved in the management of the shop, please let
       me know.
       From 14 to 94 people have been involved in helping to run the village shop, it is
       part of what makes this community so great. Please consider how you might play
       a part.
       Thank you for continuing to support the Village shop.
       To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
       by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to
              Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop


       Opening times

       After what seemed an eternity the transition to step 3 of the exit from coronavirus
       lockdown occurred on the 17  May and the Bladen Social Club was able once
       again to open for business.
       At the time of writing this report the Social Club is open for business on Saturday’s
       only from 8pm to 11:30pm.  Sadly the final step out of lockdown has today been
       postponed  until  at  least  the  19   July.   It is  likely  thus  that  the  Club  will  continue
       only being open for business on Saturdays until the last week of July.

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