Page 79 - br-july-2019
P. 79

July 2019                              July 2019

 Something I can share with you is that, in line with our advert placed back in April   DATES FOR
 which  asked  for  ‘a  passion  for  rural  ministry,  a  pastoral  heart  and  a  pioneering
 practitioner’  and  with  the  requirements  of  our  Benefice  Profile,  we  gave  our
 candidates a very full and rounded experience of benefice life on the interview      YOUR DIARY
 day.  One important element of this was that we know that in going forward we
 need  careful  planning  if  we  are  to  flourish  and  grow  as  the  Church  in  West   2019
 Purbeck.  We  had  said  in  our  Benefice  Profile  that  we  have  become  a  Thrive
 Learning Community with a steering group leading us through a two year process
 which began last March. The task, or purpose, of ‘Thrive’ is to enable us to identify      October
 our key priorities as a benefice and to lead us forward in taking steps to achieve
 them. Candidates knew when they came for interview that this is the case and   1st   GC: Harvest Supper
 they had plenty of opportunity to think about this and engage with members of
 the Thrive Team. I take this opportunity of updating with you as to where we are
 with ‘Thrive’ and to encourage your whole hearted engagement with it for the   8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
 future of our benefice.
       9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
 As I outlined at the  APCMs in both St Laurence Church and St John the Baptist
 Church in  April, a group of 8 of us from across the three churches, all of whom   12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx   7.30
 responded to my open invitation and volunteered to become part of the team,
 committed  to  a  two  year  course  that  includes  4  x  2  day  sessions  of  intensive
 training in Blandford to help us to work collaboratively on things that we identify as   13th  Havest Lunch  -  Briantspuddle Village Hall   12.30
 needs within our churches and communities.  Our new Associate Priest will join us
 in this process.  We met for the first 2 day session in March where we were invited   16th  WI: The Watercress Company
 to imagine how we would hope our benefice could look in 2022 and to identify
 our  ‘burning  issue’  for  where  we  now  are  which,  God  willing,  will  help  us  to   25th  Purbeck Film Festival at Briantspuddle Village Hall   7.00-7.30
 achieve the vision for 2022.   We identified our burning issue as the need for us to
 intentionally  work  at  growing  together  and  working  together  as  partners  in  the
 benefice.  It  is  very  encouraging  that  members  of  our  churches,  some  far  more      November
 than others, have begun to embrace the sense of partnership by worshipping in
 each  other’s  churches  when  there is  no  Service in  their  own  parish church,  but   2nd   Affpuddle Church  -  Gift Day
 there is a very long way for us to go for us to believe that we are the Church in
 West Purbeck, and to become recognised together as such.    5th   GC: Roaming Free  -  New Forest Ponies, Suzanne Kemp   7.30
 In  terms  of  planning,  as  I  identified  at  the  APCM’s,  we  believe  that  everything
 must  be  underpinned  with  and  guided  by  prayer.  A  prayer  group  has  already   12th  FG: Mr Nicky Heal, Christmas at Home
 been established; you are warmly invited to come along to pray for the benefice
 and its future. In due course we would hope that something of a simple (spiritual)   13th  AL: Glo Curtis, Advice for All Citizens
 Rule of Life specific to our benefice will be developed that every  member can
 sign up to and follow.  The Thrive Team determined to meet regularly, which we   15th  PiP: Children in Need, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00
 have  done,  including  with  our  diocesan  Thrive  mentor,  our  Rural  Field  Officer,
 Canon  Richard  Hancock.  Because  ‘Thrive’  is  about  the  future  of  our  benefice
 there is the need for everyone in the benefice to be engaged with it in order to   20th  WI: Christmas Craft
 avoid  the  trap  of  people  being  ‘done  to’  rather  than  working  collaboratively
 together.  For  this  reason  we’re following  the  time  tested  method  and  model  of
 good  practice  in  asking  everyone  for  their  thoughts,  hopes  and  dreams  in
 creating a questionnaire for our church families, bespoke to us although based on

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