Page 73 - br-july-2019
P. 73

July 2019                              July 2019

 In  and  around  the  new  benefice  of
 West  Purbeck,  which  includes  Bere
 Regis,  Affpuddle  and  Wool  there  are
 plenty  of  children’s  activities  on
 Sundays  and  other  days.  Here  are
 some  of  them:-  every  first  Sunday  in
 the month, so the 6  of July there is a
 Messy  Church,  children’s  craft
 activities  and  tea,  at  Wool  Church
 from  2  to  4  pm.  On  the  second
 Sunday,  so  the  14   in  July,  there  is
 Junior  Church  with  puppets  at  Bere
 Regis Church. Children’s hour starts at
 10, and short service starts at 11 am. On the third weekend there is a form of messy
 church called “Buggies and Brunch” at Bere Heath Chapel starting at 10:30 am,
 on Saturday the 20  in July. There is also a Family Service at 10 am on Sunday the
 21  at Wool Church. On the fourth weekend there is a short family friendly service   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
 in the beautiful Moreton Church, engraved windows, at 6 pm on Sunday 28  of
 July. Then as well as the above Rev. Jenny takes a Café Service, with breakfast   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
 and discussion (whilst the children do activities) at Winfrith Village Hall at 10:30 on
 the 7  of July and there are children’s shortened service, with tea, on the fourth   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
 Thursday,  in  Wool,  after  school.  Any  questions  please  phone  Pat  on  472246  or   advertising revenue!!
 Wendy on 471720.
 As  well as  Junior Church a team goes into all three local primary schools, Bere,

 Wool and Bovington and acts out the stories of the bible in a time sequence, on a
 fortnightly basis. At Bere Regis School, where the scheme started, we have gone   ADVERTISING RATES
 back  to  the  Old  Testament  and  are  currently  acting  out  the  stories  of  Moses,
 including the Egyptians chasing Moses’ people to the Red Sea. We had several      for the year 2019
 children from the school helping us. So a whole crowd of Israelites were able to      (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
 pass  through  the  parted  Red  Sea  (two  blue  sheets)  but  when  Pharaoh,  arrived   Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.
 with his army, the Red Sea swallowed them up! The stories at Wool and Bovington
 started a year or two after the ones at Bere and we are currently working through   Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part
 the “Miracles of Jesus” in the New Testament. Recently we acted a story about a   years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
 very  rough  boat  trip,  when  the  disciples  were  much  frightened  (and  fairly  sick).   automatically included on both village websites.
 Our actors loved acting this one, tossing and turning with the waves, in the Open
 the Book boat, until Jesus calmed the sea and wind. Each story only takes 5 to 10   Full page, full year   £260   Full page, one month   £38
 minutes  during  an  assembly  early  in  the  morning.  Children  who  have  helped
 acting the stories are presented with a sticker and a house point.   Half page, full year   £160   Half page, one month   £22
        Third page, full year   £120      Third page, one month     £16
 By  the  time  this  article  is  in  print  Bere  Fest  will  just  be  about  to  happen.  If  your
 children are interested in craft activities do bring them along to the Messy Church   Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month   £13
 tent on the sport’s field and join in the fun.
        Small-ads, full year    £70       Small-ads, one month      £11

              For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.

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