Page 3 - br-july-2019
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July 2019                              July 2019
       national  examples.  This  was  sent  out  on  Pentecost  Sunday  June  9th  with  the

 DATES FOR    requested  return  date  of  14   July.  The  responses  to  this,  and  a  further
       questionnaire to our wider local communities which will follow in due course, will
    YOUR DIARY    shape  the  work  of  our  benefice  going  forward.    You  are  therefore invited  and
       encouraged  to  be  part  of  the  planning  and  decision  making  by  filling  in  the
       questionnaire  and  returning  it  asap.  It  is  intended  that  the  results  of  the
 2019   questionnaires will be shared at the joint Benefice Service on 29  September.
       As I said last month there is much to look forward to and exciting times ahead.
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s   Please pray about this and play your part in taking things forward.
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
       With blessings
    July      Rev Carol

 2nd   GC: Pimms night and talk –Keeping Hens in the Garden   7.30

 9th   FG: Julie Jeans, Inspired by Artists      FROM THE REGISTERS

 10th  AL: Burlesque in Bere Regis by Lou-Lou-La-Belle
 17th  WI:Dorset Wildlife
       At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis
       On 19  May, Tamsin Hope Benjafield
 10th  Affpuddle Church Fete, Cruck Cottage, Briantspuddle   2.00-4.00

 14th  AL: Home Grown Entertainment      Weddings

    September                At St Laurence, Affpuddle

 3rd   GC: Food for Free, Foraging for Wild Food, James Feaver   7.30   On  18   May,  Stephen  Christopher  King    and  Abigail
                             Grace Hardy
 10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown

 11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
       Burial of ashes

 18th  WI: Local Artist
       At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis
 14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk   10.00
       On 30  May, Adam Rogerson
 27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning   10.00-12.00

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