Page 87 - br-July-2018
P. 87

July 2018                              July 2018
 incorrectly quote the passage from Paul’s first letter to his friend Timothy (6:10) and
 say that money is the root of all evil but actually Paul says “the love of money is   DATES FOR
 the root of all evil”...which is very different!
 Shortly  before  writing  this  letter  it  was  my  privilege  to  conduct  another  village      YOUR DIARY
 funeral and I perceived as I listened to the family and friends that this person was
 truly  contented  with  her  lot  in  life.  I  reflected  on  what  a  wonderful  virtue  to
 celebrate in someone. I quoted from John Bunyan:   2018

 I am content with what I have, little it be or much;
 And, Lord, contentment still I crave because thou savest such.   4th   Mothers’ Union talk by Tony and Iris Parker      2.00 p.m.

 There is always, of course a real sadness at the time of a funeral but the death   10th   Floral Group, Vivienne Thompson
 provides also, beyond our grief, a chance to reflect on the qualities of the person   11th   Autumn Leaves, Frank Holden
 and an opportunity to learn from them. Perhaps we sometimes take people a little   18th   WI, Wareham Walkabout
 bit for granted and then when we lose them, we begin to think of their qualities. I
 have noticed occasionally that a person who may have been on the end of their
 families’  complaints  suddenly  becomes  a  saint!  ‘Stubborn’  becomes   August
 ‘independent’, ‘selfish’ becomes ‘he preferred to keep his own judgement’ and   8th   Autumn Leaves, Home Grown Entertainment
 ‘grumpy’ appears as ‘he didn’t always smile’.
        9th     Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner Day at Nancy’s            2.00 p.m.
 One of the most wonderful gifts we have as human beings is other people who   21st   WI, Birthday Celebration Service
 love us and care about us. How sad it is that we don’t always appreciate them as

 fully as we might until they are no longer with us! Perhaps it is because we need
 age and maturity to see all the qualities of others or perhaps just hindsight. It has   September
 only been in recent years that I have seen the true and wonderful value of my   5th   Mothers’ Union talk by Ted Cox Farm Crisis Network   2.00 p.m.
 father. He was an orphan by the age of 13 having also lost his older brother, killed
 at the end of WW1. He then went to live with an aunt who was single, though he   11th   Floral Group, Anne Clark
 was also at boarding school. How  did he learn how to be such a good father,   12th   Autumn Leaves, 47th Birthday Tea, Vikki Mayo
 when  he  was  only  10  when  his  own  died?  He  wouldn’t  have  claimed  to  be   15th   Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk
 perfect but I just want to thank him for his many qualities and I was lucky to have   19th   WI, Creature Teachers
 a very loving mother too!   28th   Macmillan Coffee Morning, Lower Hall   10.00am-12.00noon

 I honestly believe that I shall be reunited with all our loved ones in time. To speak
 of the ‘glory of heaven’ is still to use earthly language for something so wonderful
 beyond our comprehension. It is possible to believe in something that we cannot   October
 begin to imagine but we can only do so in absolute trust of the living God. Why   3rd   Mothers’ Union Holy Communion, the Vicar      2.00 p.m.
 are we not satisfied to accept that things beyond our understanding or even our   9th   Floral Group, Annette Parker workshop
 imagining can be possible? Well I’ll leave that to you to ponder as I look forward   10th   Autumn Leaves, Stewart Timbrell
 to our being somehow reunited and able to tell our loved ones how much they   13th   An Evening with Rapport and Presentations
 meant to us and how much we loved them. Perhaps we can take the opportunity
 to say the right things while they are still alive.....   13th   Mother’s Union Autumn Council and AGM, Durweston
        17th    WI, Care in the Community
 Thank  you  all  for  who  you  are,  with  all  your  qualities,
        19th    Purbeck Film Festival Briantspuddle Village Hall      7.30 p.m.
 enriching our lives,

 Your loving Priest and Friend

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