Page 64 - br-July-2018
P. 64

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
       MILBORNE ST ANDREW VILLAGE HALL                                                     A TOILET FOR ST LAURENCE’S CHURCH!

       Artsreach August
                                                                                            The Parochial Church Council (PCC) have, for some considerable time, believed
       workshops for children -                                                             that 800 years without a toilet at the church is long enough and one needs to be
       save the date                                                                        installed.

                                                                                            The  problem  has  been,  and  still  is,  where,  how  constructed,  what  will  the
       Wednesday 8  August                                                                  planners allow. No small problem too, is the cost.
       10am – 11.30am                                                                       The situation, at present, is that if we hold an event at the church we have to hire
                                                                                            a portaloo at the cost of over £100 per time. This has either to be sited by the gas
       :  a  workshop  for  2-4  year-olds,                                                 tank  on  the  B3390  or,  with  permission,  in  Roger  Prideaux’s  rick  yard  across  the
       drawing  to  music  and  making,  with
        Jo Burlington                                                                       road from the church. Both these positions enable the loo to be unloaded from
                                                                                            the lorry.

       Tuesday 14  August                                                                   When weddings are held at the church, it is made clear to the bride and groom
                                                                                            that toilet facilities are not available and they must therefore arrange for the hire
       10.30 am - 3pm
                                                                                            of a portaloo for their guests travelling from any distance.
       : a workshop for age group 6+ with Darrell  Wakelam   - cutting, sticking, papier    None of the above arrangements are of any help to those attending the weekly
       mache and collage                                                                    services  and  the  lack  of  toilet  facilities  does  mean  that  some  people  do  not
                                                                                            attend or are hesitant to attend.

       Tuesday 21  August
                                                                                            Over the years, the PCC have thought long and hard about the problem.  We
       10am - 1pm                                                                           are very aware that we have the care of a Grade 1 listed building to consider as
                                                                                            well as the need to comply with all planning and conservation requirements and
        a songwriting workshop with Abigail Thommes  for 9-12 year-olds
                                                                                            lastly,  we  do  not  want  to  upset  any  of  our  neighbours.  However,  it  has  to  be
       For more information phone Sarah Ryan 01258 839230                                   accepted that we cannot please all of the people all of the time.

                                                                                            What has and is being considered:
                                                                                            It  must  be  born  in  mind  that  whatever  is  finally  agreed  has  to  have  disabled
                                                                                            access. It is the intention that the toilet would be kept locked when the church
                                                                                            was not being used.
                                                                                            Last  year,  draft  plans  to  provide  a  wooden  structure  on  the  North  side  of  the
                                                                                            tower where an old boiler house used to be, were taken to the local authority.
                                                                                            The Conservation Officer would not agree to this.
                                                                                             The other options are

                                                                                            (a) A wooden structure down by the gas tank – this would allow easy access to
                                                                                            main  drains  but  would  require  considerable  alteration  to  the  path  from  the
                                                                                            church past the Peace Shrine, down the steps to reach this facility. It would also
                                                                                            require lighting to be provided for safe access.
                                                                                            (b) A wooden structure next to the existing flower arrangers shed to your right as

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