Page 58 - br-July-2018
P. 58

July 2018                                                                           July 2018

                                                                                            councillors are familiar with all areas which regularly come up for discussion, and
                                                                                            giving  any  members  of  the  public  who  can’t  get  along  to  the  Drax  Hall  on  a
                                                                                            Thursday evening, the chance to stop and raise any issues if they wish. The walk
                                                                                            will then be followed by the regular meeting at the Drax Hall.

                                                                                            Open Spaces
                                                                                            The  nature  walk  on  16   June  was  successful  in  identifying  some  very  rare  and
                                                                                            important  historical  trees  throughout  the  Parish,  including  boundary  oaks  which
                                                                                            are a part of our heritage. Further surveys are planned to be carried out so that a
                                                                                            comprehensive list of such trees can be put together. There will be more nature
                                                                                            walks  and  events  by  the  Wildlife  group  in  the  coming  months,  which  will  be
                                                                                            publicised  on  Facebook  and  in  the  Parish  Magazine,  along  with  the  regular
                                                                                            working parties held on the first Saturday of each month.

                                                                                            Christmas Trees

                                                                                            Order  forms  have  now  gone  out  for  you  to  order
                                                                                            your Christmas Tree for this year. The forms need to
                                                                                            be  returned  as  soon  as  possible  to  the  clerk,
                                                                                            Amanda  Crocker.  The  price  of  a  tree is remaining
                                                                                            at £10 again and if you didn’t receive a form simply
                                                                                            contact  Amanda before the end of July to place
                                                                                            your order.

                                                                                            Village Tidy
                                                                                            It  was  also  decided  to  hold  another  village  tidy,  in  September  or  October  this
                                                                                            year, giving the whole village the opportunity to come together to sweep, clean,
                                                                                            weed and improve the paths, and communal areas around the village. Details
                                                                                            will follow over the next month with the date to be confirmed.
                                                                                                                                                     Bryan Benjafield

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