Page 38 - br-jan-23
P. 38

January 2023                         January 2023


                Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
 In  December,  we  were entertained by  Richard
 a  smallholder  from  West  Dorset.    He  gave  us
 quite  a  technical  talk  on  wild  flower  meadows   Spaghetti Bolognese
 with  lots  of  detail  about  soil  analysis  and  Structure.    The  key  to  Wild  flower
 meadows is preparing the ground and giving the soil nutrients.  Just like any other   ( makes approx 6 meals for 4 people)
 gardening really.   With seasonal mulled wine and minced pies it was a suitable
 end to our year.   I took this recipe from my Italian daughter in-laws' mother, when we visited
          them last. I guarantee you will always make it this way in the future.
 Looking ahead to next year ON 10  JANUARY (PLEASE NOTE LATER DATE) we are
 abandoning the Drax Hall and meeting up at the Kings Arms in Stoborourgh for a   Ingredients
 two course New year meal.  I have seven Christmas Dinners before Christmas and   olive oil
 it is good to have something to look forward to after Christmas.  I will be emailing   
 out  menus  shortly  and  if  you  would  like  to  join  us  please  email  me,      1 onion very finely chopped
 susan97stone@gmail .com.      1 carrot very finely chopped
 I  have  spoken  to  Sarah         1 stick of celery very finely
 Welton  who  has  the  2023   chopped.
 seed Catalogues.  There are      1 pkt beef mince 400g(equal
 great  discounts  available.   amounts of pork and beef)
 Please  email  or  telephone      1 pkt pork mince 400g
 me  if  you  want  to  take   1 tin chopped tomatoes
 advantage  of  this  offer  but   
 do  not  delay  I  know  Sarah      1 carton passata.
 likes   to   get   orders   in      salt and pepper.
 promptly in New year.
 In February we return to the
 Drax  Hall  for  a  talk  on   1.   Heat a good glug of olive oil in a large saucepan and add the VERY
 chemical  Free  Gardening   finely chopped onion, carrot and celery to it and cook gently until
 by  Mitch  from  the  Dorset   softened
 Wildlife Trust.  We will be getting in subscriptions and hopefully the full programme   2.   Add  the  beef  and  pork  mince  and  cook  for  a  few  minutes  until
 for next year will be ready.   browned
          3.    Add the tomatoes and passata and some seasoning.
 In March we have a talk on Bonsai by David Ennals who is an entertaining speaker
 and certain to get you interested.   4.   It is up to you if you wish to add a few herbs or bay leaf at this time.
          5.    Now gently simmer for at least 3hrs I do 4hrs stirring occasionally.
          6.    In  Italy  pasta  is  "king"  and  you  always  just  coat  the  pasta  in  the
          7.    I divide this into at least 6 containers and freeze.
          8.    When  you  want  some  just  defrost  and  warm  through.  Cook  your
                spaghetti, drizzle a little olive oil over the pasta and then mix with the
                Bolognese.  This  will  be  beautifully  coated  in  the  rich  sauce,  just
                yummy with a green salad and garlic bread.

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