Page 28 - br-jan-23
P. 28

January 2023                         January 2023

       20mph Speed Limits & Traffic
 Selling a car?   Trading in elsewhere? We can usually offer more.   Management

 Looking for a car?     Following  on  from  recent  information  publicised
 Can't face the hassle?   by  Dorset  Council  about  the  possibility  of  Town
 Visit for descriptions and   and  Parish  Councils  applying  for  20mph  speed
 Halycon Motors can help.  You may get   photos of our vehicles.   limits,  together  with  concern  over  speeding  in
       certain areas of the parish, it was agreed that we
 more selling it privately but if you just can't face   would put together a working party to review the
 the hassle, we will come and buy your car for   Call Don Macleod   Dorset  Council  20mph  application  criteria  and
 cash, and at a time to suit you.   01258 839209 / 07782 189555   consider   additional   traffic   management
 We also buy vans, campers,   requirements  around  the  village.    Once  all  the
 motorbikes  -  in fact pretty   Halcyon Motors Ltd is a small, friendly business based in Milborne St Andrew.  Part   information  gathered  is  collated,  Cllr  Wharf  has
       offered  to  arrange  for  the  relevant  Officer  to  address  residents,  and  a  public
 much anything on wheels!   exchanges welcome.  Minimum three month warranty with all cars.  Impartial advice is free!   consultation  will  be undertaken.  If  you  would  be  interested  in  joining  this  group
       and helping to establish a plan to put forward to Dorset Council, please contact
       the Clerk on
       Playpark Working Party

 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be on   Following  the  annual  inspection,  a  number  of  issues  have  been  highlighted
 Tuesday  10   January  in  Winterborne  Kingston  village   requiring  work  to  the  equipment.
 hall.  It is the AGM.  Please arrive at around 12.30pm for      Many  of  these  are  minor  in  nature
 a soup and rolls lunch at 1pm before the meeting.       Paul   07788 185048    and  Cllr  Brendon  is  setting  up  a
          Martin          01929 289323        working  party  to  remedy  these  in
 Our  first  demonstration  of  the  new  year  will  be  on   January  and  February.  If  you  are
 Tuesday  14   February  at 2pm at  Winterborne  Kingston   Electrics   interested  in  helping  out  with  this,
 village hall.  The demonstrator will be Denise Jones from   please  contact  the  Clerk  on
         Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty
 We look forward to seeing members and visitors.  If it is   years’ experience offering:-
 your first visit to the club, it is free of charge.   Next Meeting
          Consumer Unit (fuse
          board) Replacement                  The  next  meeting  will  be  held  on
          Landlords’ Electrical              Thursday  12   January  2023
          Safety Certificate                  commencing 7pm at the Village Hall.
          Additions and                      If you wish to have an item added to
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them   Alterations to Existing   the  agenda  for  discussion,  please
                                              contact the Clerk or a member of the
 you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them   Installations   Parish  Council  by  the  end  of
          Portable Appliance                 December.
 monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us   Testing   Bryan Benjafield

 generate more advertising revenue!!   No VAT – Fully Insured
         Part P Compliant
         Free Estimates
         All Work Guaranteed

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