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January 2023                         January 2023


 YOUR DIARY   Wishing all our Readers, Contributors
       and Advertisers a Happy and Healthy
 2023   New Year

       At  the start  of each  new  year, a  number  of activities
 Floral Group   Autumn Leaves   Communibus   Women’s Institute  take  place  with  the  production  of  this  magazine.
       Advertising  renewals  have  been  sent  out,  subscribers
 Salt and Pepper Club  Pop in Place   Twinning   Gardening Club   have  made  their payments  for  their delivery  for 2023,
       and,  this  year,  I  have  contacted  all  our  village
       organisations and societies to check that the information we hold, on the contact
       pages at the back of the magazine, is up to date and valid. If you’re aware of
 May   other groups that would benefit from their information being included, please ask
       them to contact me.
 4th  Jo Belasco ‘Dorset legends and landmarks’
       Sadly, we have lost a few of our annual advertisers, so I would encourage you to
 5th  Coronation Party   spread  the  word  amongst  local  businesses  that  our  charges  are  incredibly
       competitive compared with other publications  - we may not be full colour and
       ‘glossy’  and  our  circulation  is   just  within  the  parishes,  but  we  know  that  all  our
       advertisers  are  sound,  safe  local  independents,  who  provide  excellent  service,
       quality products, and reliable support.  Full year advertisers get a free entry in the
   June   online business directories for each village.
       I would also like to say a huge thank you to the webmasters for both Bere Regis
 1st  1st   David Bailey ‘wildlife photographer’    and  for  Briantspuddle/Affpuddle    -  Rod  Osmond  and  Campbell  de  Burgh
       respectively.  These  two  dedicated  volunteers  ensure  that  a  digital  copy  of  the
 22nd  Pop in Perfomers Summer Production   magazine is  available each  month on  the websites  and they  also  maintain the
 23rd   business directories. Earlier this year Rod spent a great deal of time setting up the
 24th  version  on  the  Bere  Regis  website  (  as  an  e-book.    This  means
       that you can view it as a proper publication and turn the pages in order (unlike
       the  printer  layout  version  as  previously).    It  really  is  a  great  way  to  quickly  skim
       through your copy, and, of course, it’s in full colour!!!  Whilst I fully appreciate that
       a lot of people (including me) much prefer reading from paper rather than from
 September   a screen, it can be very helpful if you want to look back at something,  or check
       for advertisers if your copy has gone into the recycling.
 29th  Macmillan Coffee morning
       Thank  you  to  our  contributors  too.    We  are  incredibly  lucky  to  have  regular
       monthly articles from such a wide range of writers.   What they provide is highly
       appreciated but more than that  -  it really is LOCAL and keeps everyone up to
       date with all that goes on in both our parishes.  And whilst, fundamentally, this is a
       church magazine, and all the income from sales and advertising goes to church
 December   funds, I hope that you will agree that it serves the whole of our communities and
       don’t forget, that for those of all beliefs or none, our two beautiful churches are
       there for us all.
 22nd  Carols and Mince Pies
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