Page 3 - br-jan-2020
P. 3

January 2020                         January 2020
       CHURCH ROTAS                   Sidesmen
                                      5 th   9.15am    Mr House/Mr Bates
    YOUR DIARY       Readers:               Chalice    Mr Smith/Mrs Cox

 2020                                       6.00pm     Mr Gibbs
                Parish Communion
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s         th
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club   5     12  11.00am   Junior Church
                Gospel:  Mr Croom
 16th  Salt and Pepper Club             th
                Epistle:  Mr/Mrs Ward   19    11.00am   Mr Smith/Mr Croom
 24th  PiP  -  AGM   10.30                  Chalice    Mr Ward/Mr Wharf
                19                          Intercessions Mr Croom
    May         Gospel:  Mr Smith           6.00pm     Mr Gibbs
                Epistle: Mrs Cox
 12th  Communibus  -  Exbury Gardens
                                      26    11.00am          TBC
 19th  PiP  -  Village Quiz, Upper Hall   7.30
 21st   Salt and Pepper Club
      Cleaning and Dusting
 26th  Communibus  -  Lyme Regis         Cleaning   Dusting

    June      6 January   Heather and Len Day   Eileen Salisbury

 9th   Communibus  -  Swanage      13th and 20th  Jenny Clifford and   Margaret Miller and Hazel
       January       Lesley Clarke        Green
 18th  Salt and Pepper Club
       27th January   Annie Nicholson and   Jean Gibbs and Cythia
 23rd  Communibus  -  Ottery Nursery, Exeter      and 3rd Feb   Diana Fairhurst   Burden

 25th  PiP Summer Show   6.00

       Sanctuary Flower Guild
 26th  PiP Summer Show   7.00        4th      Christmas flowers continued

 27th  PiP Summer Show   2.00        11th     Christmas flowers continued

                                     18th     Standfield and Edmonds

                                     25th     Standfield and Edmonds

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