Page 25 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 25

January 2019                         January 2019

                                                Christmas, made gingerbread and
                                                enjoyed an end of year Christmas
                                                party,   We cooked and served a
                                                traditional  3  course  meal  for  the
                                                community  and  nearly  50  people
                                                came along to enjoy the meal, a
                                                games  of  bingo  and  a  sing  song
                                                with the Beavers.  Thank you to the
                                                cubs for the table decorations.
                                                We  say  goodbye  to  a  few  scouts
                                                who are hopefully all moving on to
                                                become  Explorers  and  we  look
                                                forward  to  welcoming  the  cubs
                                                who  will  be  joining  us  in  the  New
        Year.    Congratulations to Aimee and Thomas who have completed the highest
        award in Scouts and were presented with the Chief Scout Gold Award by the
        District Commissioner at a recent meeting.

        A  part  of  the  Creative  Challenge  badge  (needed  for  the  Chief  Scout  Gold
        Award)  Scouts  have  to  promote  or  write  about  a  scout  event  and  to  have  it
        published locally.  This has been written by Thomas.

        Flash Expedition

        Before  I  started  my  expedition  I  had  to  plan  my  route  to  the  campsite  in
        Winterborne Anderson and back to the scout hut, to do that I used an OS map.
        After I planed my route I made a route card and to do that I needed to look at
        the map and for every change in direction I had to write it down on the route

        A few weeks later I got my personal kit ready and when I got to the scout hut I
        needed to put my tent and my trangea and the gas and I was ready for a long
        walk  but  one  person  in  my  group  was  not  there  because  they  got  the  times
        mixed up so we had to wait. When they arrived me, Casey and Eleanor set off.
        It took us 3 and a half hours to get to the camp site because  we took a few
        wrong turns to get there but in the end we got it. When at the camp site we put
        up our tents and started the fire and made a bench to sit on and eat the food.
        Before I went to sleep me and Casey played a card game and Casey lost 10-3.

        The next day before we set of we had some breakfast them packed our things
        and the tent to go. On the way back it was just me and Casey became Eleanor
        had to go to a family party. On the way me and Casey went the wrong way
        and went down  White Lane and had to turn around and walked back to the
        right route but somehow we still got back to the scout hut early.

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