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January 2019                                                                        January 2019

                                                                                           DATES FOR
       for our world and for our country. We live in uncertain times!
       We have just been celebrating the birth of the one who has done by far the most
       good for our world – Jesus Christ. He was born as an outcast – ‘though the world             YOUR DIARY
       was made through him, the world did not recognise him’ (John 1.10) and though
       at times was so popular, in the end he was crucified as if he were some sort of
       criminal.  However  ‘in  his  end  was  his  beginning’  as  he  rose  from  death  and  his   2019
       earthly ministry has led into the life of the Christian Church ever since. He proved
       that the power of good was greater than that of evil and that love can always         January
       conquer hatred.

       For Felicity and me, there is an end and a beginning too.  After these last years,
       which  we  have  really  enjoyed  and  have  been  able  to  make  many  good         February
       friendships, we will be embarking on a new chapter. Our address will be 6, Higher     11th       Twinning Association AGM and Quiz
       Green, South Brent, Devon, TQ10 9PL and we will be pleased to see you if you are      15th       Pop in Place craft morning, Village Hall   10 am - 12 noon
       ever in those parts. It will mean a change of life-style as after all these years, I will
       no longer hold a particular role as Vicar and we will no longer live in a house that   March
       doesn’t  belong  to  us.  No  doubt  we  will  find  all  sorts  of  things  to  do!!  It  is  an
       adventure.                                                                            24th       Pop in Place  Old Bere Regis Photographic
                                                                                                        Exhibition                                 10 am -  4pm
       For you all, too, there is an end and a beginning. The linking of these parishes of
       that  of  Wool,  will,  we  trust  happen  reasonably  soon;  it  all  takes  longer  than  it   April
       seems it should! This should be an exciting new beginning and will eventually lead    19th       Pop in Place Easter Egg Raffle and
       to a two-priest Team, working with the lay members. Revd Carol Langford will be
       looking after things and in time a replacement for me will be found, but again this              Hot Cross Buns, Upper Hall                 10am  - 12 noon
       does take time. Carol and the Churchwardens in both parishes will be the people
       to contact regarding baptisms,  weddings and funerals and pastoral needs.  We         May
       are also fortunate in having good members of the Ministry Team to help. All I ask is   3rd       Pop in Place AGM, Lower Hall                     10.30am
       that you are patient with people having more responsibility. More details on this     21st       Pop in Place Village Quiz, Upper Hall            7.30pm
       front in the February edition.
       My  final  Sunday  here  will  on  January  27 .  In  the  morning  there  will  a  Benefice   June
       Communion at 10am at Affpuddle and a service at 6pm in Bere Regis. All will be        20th       Pop in Performers Summer Show                    6pm
       welcome at either or even both services!                                              21st       Pop in Performers Summer Show                    7pm
                                                                                             22nd       Pop in Performers Summer Show                    2pm
       Holy Communion has always been a very important part of my Christian life and
       ministry and for those of you who share its importance, I hope you will join me in
       the morning. The evening service will be more informal and I do hope that some        July
       of you who don’t come to church often (or ever) will feel they want to come. We
       have felt welcome in the village communities, not just the church ones and for
       that we will always feel very grateful – thank you!
       Your loving Priest and Friend

                                                                                             14th       Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk               10am

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