Page 69 - br-January-2018
P. 69

January 2018                         January 2018
 FAREWELL AND THANKS TO CHRISTINE   other events in the Bladen Social Club in 2018

 AND GORDON   The main charities supported in 2017 were:
        Employ My Ability, a local charity based at the walled garden in Morten that helps
        students  with  learning  disabilities  and  Special  Educational  Needs  and  Disabilities
 Gordon and Christine Tucker
 have  been  opening  and   develop vital skills, expertise and confidence
 shutting  the  Church  to  let   Purbeck  Workshop,  a  local  charity  dedicated  to  providing  creative  escapes  to
 visitors  in  for  the  last  twenty   those touched by cancer within the Dorset area.
 years.   Sadly   they   have
 moved  away  now  and  we   Julia’s  House,  a  charity  based  in  Dorset  and  Wiltshire  providing  practical  and
 have  to  do  it  ourselves   emotional  support  for  families  caring  for  a  child  with  a  life-limiting  or  life-
 amongst  a  rota  of  many   threatening condition, in the community or at their two hospices.
 helpers – how we miss them.      rd
 To  say  thank  you  and   Dates for your diary in 2018, 3  February Annual Village Skittles competition, mid-
 goodbye we invited Gordon   February (date to be advised) a Race night with a difference.
 and   Christine   to   the   Please also look at this magazine, the Briantspuddle community website and the
 December Children’s service   social club noticeboard for the dates of future events.
 and   Charles   our   vicar
 presented them with a scroll                             Peter Talbot,    Secretary
 and  a  picture  to  say  thank
 you for their unsung good work over many years.

       Short  Mat  Bowls  sessions  during  the  winter
       months   of   2018   will   take   place   in
       Briantspuddle  village  hall  on  the  first  two
       Tuesday    afternoons   of   the   month
       commencing  at  2:30pm  and  on  the  third
       and  fourth  Monday  evenings  in  the  month
       c o m m e n c i n g    a t    7 : 3 0 p m
       Dates and times of short mat bowls sessions
       can  now  be  found  on  the  Briantspuddle
       Parish    website    at:   www.briantspu bs_ societies/
       If you haven’t previously tried your hand at short mat bowls why not come along
       to one of our sessions on either a Tuesday afternoon or a Monday evening.  We
       provide  all  the  equipment  and  some  friendly  guidance  so  you  can  decide
       whether short mat bowls is a game for you.
                                                                    Peter Talbot

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