Page 67 - January 2017
P. 67

January 2017                         January 2017
        DATES FOR
 So  what  of  the  future?  What  are  your  hopes  for 2017?  Another  of  my  favourite
 sayings,  attributed  to  Bill  Keane,  is  “Yesterday  is  history,  tomorrow  is  a  mystery,
 today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” As you look into the      YOUR DIARY
 future,  do  you  do  so  with  joyous  anticipation?  There are  concerns  about  many

 different situations in the world, with changes of direction or over leadership and
 only  time  will  tell  how  they  work  out.  As  Christians,  we  have  a  part  to  play  in   2017
 expressing our opinions but, I would suggest even more importantly, we must pray
 that  those  who  take  decisions  will  be  in  accord  with  God’s  plan  for  his  world.
 Nothing  is  impossible  for  God  and  he  is  able  to  guide  even  those  who  don’t   January
 acknowledge  his  existence.  When  Christians  talk  about  hope,  this  is  not  some   10th   Floral Group, AGM, followed by tea and cakes     2.00pm
 vague optimism but strong assurance that God is in charge. Perhaps one of our
 New Year resolutions could be to believe that more strongly!   February
 One of the things that we can do practically is to make plans (even if we have to   14th   Floral Group, workshop  -  Hearts and Flowers      2.00pm
 be  humble  enough  to  accept  that  they  may  have  to  change).  In  our  two
 churches, it is important to look at ways in which our joint ministry can be made   March
 even more effective. I am aware that my role supposedly working just two days
 and Sundays is not really viable in these parishes and I feel motivated to do all   14th   Floral Group  -  Women of Influence      2.00pm
 that I do (instead, having two days off a week). This House-for-Duty pattern (which
 means my payment is the use of the beautiful Vicarage) will be continued after   April
 me for the foreseeable future.
        11th    Floral Group  -  Creative Creations                   2.00pm
 There  are  different  ways  in  which  ‘lay’  people  can  share  in  the  ministry  of  the   29th   Annual Church coach trip  -  Baliol College, Oxford
 Church. There will be leaflets in the churches outlining what these can be. They
 include training to lead worship, to assist with pastoral care (generally known as   May
 LPAs  – Lay Pastoral  Assistant) as well as Local Lay Ministers and Ordained Local
 Ministers. We are fortunate to have some people filling these roles and to them I   9th   Floral Group  -  Fusion      2.00pm
 would say a big Thank you! But I would ask everyone to consider whether or not   28th   Briantspuddle Open Gardens
 you could offer yourself for these roles. I would be delighted to talk to you about
 that  possibility!  Training  is  offered  of  course  and  I  am  sure  that  anyone  would   June
 agree that it is essential.   13th   Floral Group  -  Room to Room      2.00pm
 There are all sorts of ways in which people contribute to the life of the Churches   18th   Garden Club  -  Open Gardens, Bere Regis
 and as we pass from one year to another, I want, on behalf of all of us, to express
 our appreciation and our gratitude for all you do, especially our good friend and   July
 colleague, Bob  Naylor.  The  Annual  meetings will come along in the Spring and
 that will be a time to elect our churchwardens. Personally, I hope that most will be   11th   Floral Group  -  TBA      2.00pm
 happy to serve for another year but we shall need someone new in Bere Regis.
 God bless you all in 2017 and may we all find a new depth of meaning to life!
        Bank holiday weekend  Flower Festival for Cancer charities
          Your loving Priest and friend

        12th    Floral Group  -  Two of a Kind                        2.00pm

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