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February 2024                                                                       February 2024
      possible,  whereas  we  liked  to  take  our  time  and  just  gaze.    They  could  never                             the   Tom    Daley   Diving   Academy
      understand why our air lasted so much longer and we had seen so much more.                                             programme.  These fundamentals  of  diving
                                                                                                                             lessons  linked  in  well  with  the  ASA’s  Flip  n
      I spent 10 years as a Poole Harbour Commissioner.  It was a  very steep learning                                       Fun awards.
      curve  because  I  knew  a  lot  about  the  environment  but  what  I  knew  about
      managing a commercial port would fit on a postage stamp.  I think my value on                                          The  pool  is  also  used  along  with  others  in
      the Board was that I could always ask the naive questions others didn’t dare ask.                                      the  area  by  the  Chelsea  and  Westminster
      Poole Harbour has just about every designation going, so it was an honour to be                                        Swimming  Club.  Also,  regular  water  polo
      involved in the running of such a significant asset.  I designed a board game for                                      training sessions take place
      the  harbour  (the  Poole  Harbour  Boat  Game)  to  get  management  and
      conservation messages across, as I had done for various organisations throughout                                       Mo  had  noticed  that  interest  in  lessons  at
      the country, including Rye Harbour, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the                                        the  centre  had  increased  during  the
      Jurassic Coast.                                                                                                        Olympics.  Let  us  hope  that  this  is  an
                                                                                            encouraging  sign  for  the  future  as  current  evidence  seems  to  show  that  the
      I was a Coastguard Rescue Officer                                                     frequency of casual swims is on the decline.
      in the cliff rescue team for 32 years
      –  first  at  Kimmeridge  then  at                                                    “The  council  has  invested  heavily  in  the  centre  over  the  years  and  this  will
      Lulworth.    I  waited  until  I  got  my                                             definitely continue” said Mo. I would certainly agree with him. There is a lot going
      long  service  medal  then  retired  to                                               on here including the spa, reputably the oldest in London offering treatments and
      make  way  for  younger  members.                                                     pampering to the frantic pace of city life. On the day of my visit it was a ladies
      We  searched  for  several  days  for                                                 only day so sadly I was unable to sample the delights of a little pampering myself.
      the  teenagers  who  drowned  at                                                      What  shall  I  take  with  me  from  my  visit  to  the  Porchester  Centre?  Firstly  the
      Lulworth  Cove.    This  was                                                          overwhelming  friendliness  of  the  staff,  they  were  such  lovely  people:  Chizedek
      particularly distressing for members                                                  kept on calling me “Mr. Bob”!  It will I am sure continue to serve the needs of its
      of  our  team  who  had  boys  of  a                                                  patrons for years to come.
      similar  age.    The  team  received  a
      commendation  for  this  but  sadly                                                   On another day, I will return. I will swim and in the spa I will take in the hot room,
      the boys did not make it.                                                             the steam room, the sauna and maybe just a little gentle pummelling....
      Until recently I did freelance teaching at Lulworth.  Introducing school children to   Bob Holman
      the Geology and Geomorphology of the Jurassic Coast. I sometimes had to pinch
      myself when I was at Durdle Door on a lovely day and actually being paid for it!
      I am a sucker for trusteeships and have been trustee of the Dorset Wildlife Trust, the
      Dorset Environmental Records Centre, the Mansel-Pleydell and Cecil Trust and the
      Dorset Museum.  I love the Dorset Museum (now to be called The Dorset Museum
      and  Art  Gallery).    I  saw  the  Museum  through  its  development  phase  and  its  re-
      opening as a very different ‘beast’!  I am so proud of it.  I am on the committee of
      Wareham Choral Society, which usually performs concert. in The Priory Church of         When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them
      Lady St. Mary, Wareham
      I have been Churchwarden in Bere Regis for 14 years – it is definitely time I retired!   you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them

      My daughter is a Professor at Bristol University and I have two grandsons there.  The   monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us
      elder is at Bath university now studying maths and physics.  I don’t see nearly as
      much of them as I would like, especially as they are so near.  My son lives in Salt               generate more advertising revenue!!
      Lake City in America and I hardly ever see him or my sixteen-year-old grandson.
      My  son  is  a  Geologist  and  works  for  Rio  Tinto.    He  and  his  family  have    lived  in

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