Page 10 - feb2024
P. 10

February 2024                                                                       February 2024
       MELODY OF MOONLIGHT                                                                  Councillors  discussed  the  challenge  of  increasing  costs  and  the  difficulty  of
                                                                                            providing  services  to  the  Parish  as  a  result.    During  the  year  the  Parish  Council
       The  Smith  family  were  at  the  centre  of                                        decided  to  install  a  Speed  Indicator  Device  in  Affpuddle,  and  the  cost  of  this
                                                                                            initiative was funded from Parish Council reserves.  Other one-off costs were also
       music  making  in  19   century  Dorchester  –                                       incurred but over recent years ongoing costs have been increasing, for example
       composing it, teaching it and performing it.                                         repair and maintenance of assets owned by the Parish Council.
       Come  and  hear  their  gently  humorous
       dialect  songs,  affecting  piano  solos  and                                        Speed Indicator Device (SID)
       dashing  piano  duets,  Victorian  ‘easy
       listening’  at  its  best,  performed  by  Clara                                     After a traffic survey was conducted in Affpuddle
                                                                                            in the summer of 2023, Dorset Highways proposed
       Pears,  Gareth  Jones  and  Richard  Hall  in                                        the installation of a speed indicator device (SID)
       Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  on                                                     with  two  posts  so  that  the  SID  could  be  moved
       Thursday 1  February at 7.30 pm.  Tickets priced at £12.50 to include a glass        between two locations.
                                                                                            The  installation  of  the  posts  are  now  complete,
       of  wine  and  a  finger  buffet  are  available  from  Liz  Whatley  (01305  897302  or   and the SID is up and running. The location of the, from Briantspuddle  Village  Shop  (cash  only)  or   SID  monitoring  panels  are  both  located  on  the
       at the door if still available.                                                      B3390 through the Affpuddle bends.
       All profits will be donated to St Laurence’s Church, Affpuddle.


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