Page 71 - br-february-2019
P. 71

February 2019                        February 2019

         DATES FOR
 As we leave, you will all also begin a trip into the unknown. It looks fairly certain
 that the plan to form a United Benefice of our two parishes with that of Wool will
 happen and a date is pencilled in for a special service, led by Bishop Karen, at      YOUR DIARY
 Holy Rood Church in Wool on March 13  at 7pm. It will be lovely if all three Church
 Families are well represented at that occasion. Then the process will also begin for
 finding a new Priest to come and live in Bere Regis, as part of the Team for the   2019
 new  Benefice  but,  no  doubt,  with,  largely,  pastoral  concern  for  Bere Regis  and
 Affpuddle.      WI:Dorset Wildlife
 Meanwhile,  the  Vicar  of  Wool,  Revd  Carol  Langford  will  be  taking  the  lead  in
 caring for you all.      August
 If you need a Priest to conduct  Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals or for any priestly
 advice, please contact her on 01929-462215 or    14th  AL: Home Grown Entertainment

 She will also be responsible for providing Clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers to lead      September
 the  usual  Sunday  services.  There  will  be  just  a  few  differences  from  our  regular
 pattern, so please be advised through the Magazine and on notice-boards. The
 good thing is that she also has the support of two other part-time Associate Priests   10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown
 as well as Lay Ministers.
       11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
 The Churchwardens also carry legal responsibilities though the time of ‘Vacancy’
 and I know they are very willing to help but please do not overtax them!!
             WI: Local Artist
 For those of you, who sometimes give me notices for the board at the end of the
 Church Lane, please contact Patrick and Sue Hazlerigg.   14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk   10.00

 Finally, when my successor arrives , please make him/her as welcome as you have
 made us. When, years ago, I was about to start a new time as Vicar in Essex, an   27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning   10.00-12.00
 old  priest  who  had  been  looking  after  the  churches,  gave  my  congregations
 some very sound advice: ‘when Charles comes, there are two words which you      October
 must not use – always and never. I ask you to do that for my successor, so that you
       8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
 can be open to wherever under his/her guidance you are led by God. Indeed I
 would say the same as soon as I go and Carol takes over the role of leadership.
       9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
 Our contact details will be:
 Address:  6  Higher  Green,  South  Brent,  Devon  TQ10  9PL  and  01364-73957  or   12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx   7.30
             WI: The Watercress Company
 We will be very happy to see any of our Dorset friends!
 God bless you all with his powerful love,
 Your sincere and loving Priest and Friend
             FG: Mr Nicky Heal, Christmas at Home
             AL: Glo Curtis, Advice for All Citizens

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