Page 48 - br-february-2019
P. 48

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

                                                                                           DCC Gritters
                       AUTUMN LEAVES
                                                                                            Ten Dorset gritters have been named - by members of the public - ahead of the
                       OVER  50’S CLUB                                                     cold snap. After the extreme weather of last winter – which saw 24-hour working
                                                                                           to  keep  strategic  roads  open  –  Dorset  Highways  asked  residents  to  name  their
                                                                                           gritting fleet. The team enjoyed reading through the many suggestions, and the
                        As I told you in the January Magazine, the first meeting of New    names have now been unveiled:
                        Year was a splendid musical afternoon, enjoyed by everyone
       who was there.  You only have yourself to blame if you missed it!
                                                                                           Chillingstone                   Osmington Chills
       Dave  Arnold  gave  a  very  polished  performance  playing  the  Ukelele,  Banjolele
       and Guitar whilst singing the sort of songs that make you want to join in and tap   Cold-Harbour                    Wooly Monkey
       your feet.                                                                          Gold Chill                      Wimborne Monster
       The  members  liked  him  so  much  that  he  has  now  been  booked  for  a  repeat   Spreadisbury                 Polar Bere Regis
       performance next January!!
                                                                                           Ice Maiden Newton               Cerne Giant’s Chilly
                                                      In  February  we  will  have  an
                                                      entirely  different  afternoon,
                                                      as our speaker is a man who
                                                      has spent many years as the          Dorset Waste Partnership
                                                      observer in the Dorset Police
                                                      Helicopter.  This should be a        The  annual  report  contains  some  interesting  facts,  some  of  which  I  have
                                                      very  interesting  talk,  and  I     reproduced below.
                                                      would urge you all to come
                                                      early to guarantee a seat!           Minimal disruption to collections and street-clearing during the extreme weather
                                                                                           back in March
                                                      I  can  assure  you  that  it  will
                                                      be   something   to   look           Excellent results for the Enforcement Team (see below)
                                                      forward  to.  Why  don’t  YOU        Introduced more efficient collection rounds in Purbeck
                                                      come  along  and  see  for
                                                      yourself?    If  you  do  join  us,   Customer satisfaction rated as outstanding for the Garden Waste service
                                                      you can be sure of a warm            Work commenced on the new Blandford Waste Management Centre
       welcome and an excellent afternoon tea. Find a friend to come with you and join
       the nice ladies and gentlemen at the Scout Hut on Wednesday 13  February at         Cleaning of cenotaphs and memorial statues around Remembrance Sunday
                                                                                           Increased recycling rates (59.7%) for another successive year
                                                                    Sylvia Bayliss
                                                                                           It’s been a busy year for the Enforcement Team, with four successful prosecutions
                                                                                           and  another  four  currently  in  the  works.  Officers  also  issued  110  Fixed  Penalty
                                                                                           Notices which involved: -

         When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw                      14 for failure to produce a waste carriers’ licence

            their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                    51 for failure to produce a waste transfer note
            effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                       40 for fly-tipping
                               advertising revenue!!                                       5 for other various offences

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