Page 42 - br-february-2019
P. 42

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

       BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY                                                           Scout News

                                                                                            A chilly trip to Bournemouth starting the term for the Scouts with the very popular
        We had our December meeting at the Drax                                             trip to the indoor ice skating rink at the BIC.   A much cosier meeting back at the
        Hall on Wednesday the 19th and we began                                             hut to watch Incredibles 2 with popcorn and drinks before full steam ahead with
        with more news on the Roman Villa with the                                          badge work, starting with Emergency Aid at Level 3 and traditional scouting skills
        display of finds made earlier in the month,                                         of  knots  and  navigating  our  way  around  with  maps.    We  have  lots  of  camps
        consisting  of  several  thick  tile  fragments,                                    planned and the cold weather does not stop us heading outside at our evening
        some over 25cm long which were found in                                             meetings with a visit to look at the stars at Durlston Castle planned.  We will be
        a nearby hedge. Then Tony gave us a talk                                            celebrating  Chinese  New  Year  with  crafts  and  cooking  –  and  the  best  bit  –
        on the recently formed  Ancient Tree study                                          eating Chinese food.
        group  in  the  village  and  outlined  the
        objectives  of  the  project.  After  this  there
        was a brief showing and describing of two                                           Cub News
        rocket-camera models which are sometimes used for aerial photography. Each
        make  flights  of  about  25  seconds.  After  this  Des  gave  a  demonstration  of  flint-  Cubs finished off last term
        knapping whilst describing the techniques used from the earliest "Stone Age" eras   with  a  trip  to  the  pool  to
        until well into the Bronze Age especially in rural areas. Charles, the vicar, gave a   gain   their   Swimmers
        talk about his early days as a priest in other parts of the country, and ending with   Activity   badges   and
        his over-three-years at Bere Regis, mentioning that our village church roof repair   enjoyed a Christmas party
        was the fifth that he has overseen in his career. The meeting ended with live music   with  lots  of  food,  games
        by The Melody Men, a local group who played seasonal and nostalgic numbers,         and  silly  dancing.    This
        whilst  the  members  had  refreshments,  chatted  and  looked  at  various  items   term  they  will  be  working
        displayed.                                                                          hard   towards   activity
                                                                                            badges  which  includes
                                                     John Pitfield, Project Secretary       the  Book  Reader  badge
                                                                                            which  they  can  do  at
                                                                                            home.    They  are  very  excited  to  be  camping  this  term  and  even  though  the
       WELDMAR                                                                              nights may be cold this will not dampen their spirits and will toast marshmallows
       HOSPICECARE                                                                          on the camp fire.

       MARKS 25 YEARS
                                                                                            Beaver News
                                                                                            This  term  the  Beavers  are  focusing  initially  on  their  Experiment  Activity  badge
                                                                                            and  their  Space  Activity  badge.    This  will  involve  stargazing  and  doing  simple
                                                                                            scientific experiments to learn something about the world (and the solar system
       For  those  who  have  lived  in  Dorset  for  over  25  years,  may  well  remember
       witnessing the build of a brand new hospice in Dorchester, the first of its kind in   and galaxy!) around them.  This also fits neatly into the work they have to do to
       the county. Now,  a quarter of a century later,  Weldmar Hospicecare marks 25        achieve their World Challenge badge, which is one of the six challenges they
       years of providing Hospicecare throughout Dorset.                                    each have to gain to count towards their Bronze Chief Scout Award.  We do our
                                                                                            best to give the beavers a chance to achieve this before they move up to the
       On 19  January 1994, the doors of Weldmar’s inpatient unit were opened to the        next section (cubs) at 8 years.  The four beavers who left for cubs at the end of
       first  patients,  after  four  years  of  planning  and  dedicated  fundraising  within  the   2018 can all wear this award proudly on their cub uniform!
                                                                                            We are also having two Sleepovers this term and getting out and about as the
                                                                                            weather gets warmer.  Any queries, please contact Turtle/Liz Teather on 471216.

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