Page 70 - mag-feb-2018
P. 70

February 2018                                                                       February 2018
                                                                                            BERE REGIS                     Sidesmen
                                                                                            CHURCH ROTAS
        DATES FOR
                                                                                                                           4th     10.00am       Mr Bates/Mr House
                YOUR DIARY                                                                          Readers                        Chalice       Mr Lambert/Mr

                                                                                                    Parish Communion               Intercessions   Mr Lambert
        2018                                                                                                                       6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
                                                                                                    4th    Mr Booth/Mr

                                                                                                                           11th    11.00am       Junior Church
                                                                                                    18th   Mr Booth/Mrs
        February                                                                                           Gibson
        13th    WI  -  Pancake Day                                                                                         18th    10.00am       Mr House/Mr Croom
                                                                                                                                   Chalice       Mr House/Mr Ward
        13th    Floral Group AGM,  Elizabeth Witcomb
                                                                                                                                   Intercessions   Mrs Bayliss
        14th    Autumn Leaves, Linda Lamon
                                                                                                                                   6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
        16th    Pop in Place, Fun Quiz
        21st    WI  -  Hotch Potch, Food Allergies                                                                         25th     11.00am      TBC

        13th    Floral Group, David Martin                                                         There will not be any Flowers or Cleaning Rotas
        14th    Autumn Leaves, Charles Masheder
                                                                                               published whilst work on the Church roof is underway.
        21st    WI, Cancer Research
        30th    Pop in Place, Easter Bonnets Parade, Easter Egg Raffle
                And Hot Cross Buns, Upper Hall             10.00am-12.00noon                WORK ON THE CHURCH UPDATE

        April                                                                               January 9  was a good day for our Roof project. There was a Site meeting with
        10th    Floral Group, Sheila Bendall                                                the Architect but also it was the day the re-leading started, after all the repairs to
        11th    Autumn Leaves, Tony Bates                                                   the woodwork during the weeks before Christmas.
        18th    WI, AGM
                                                                                            It is too soon to be able to know when the work will be completed and we can
                                                                                            be back in church for our services but by next month, we should be able to give
                                                                                            you a better idea.
        4th     Pop in Place AGM, Lower Hall                          10.30am               Meanwhile, I do want to thank all who have been involved in either getting the
                                                                                            church ready for the various stages of work or bringing it back into use, looking as
        8th     Floral Group, Katie Baxter                                                  good  as  possible  for  Christmas.  I’ll  let  you  know  when  we  shall  need  your  help
        9th     Autumn Leaves, Andrew Cannon
                                                                                            finally to restore the church to its usual glory.
        16th    Pop in Place, Village Quiz, Upper Hall                7.30pm
        16th    WI, to be arranged                                                          We  continue  to  be  very  grateful  to  the  School  for  allowing  us  to  use  their
                                                                                            wonderful hall for our other Sunday services.

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