Page 48 - mag-feb-2018
P. 48

February 2018                                                                       February 2018

                                                                                            award,  which  recognises  outstanding  volunteers  who  are  making  a  change  in

                                        BERE REGIS SURGERY                                  their  community  and  inspiring  others.  Each  day,  someone,  somewhere  in  the
                                                                                            country  is  selected  to  receive  the  award  to  celebrate  their  remarkable
                                        NEWS                                                achievements.  Alison  Bennett  from  Bere  Regis,  was  given  the  honour  for  her
                                                                                            volunteering work with ‘The Pop In Place’, a local community hub of social action
                                                                                            she has run for over 20 years.
                                        Flu Advice                                          I had a very interesting visit to the fire station in
                                                                                            Wimborne  where  I  met  the  Chief  Fire  Officer.  I
                                        Most cases of flu can be treated effectively        also  had  a  tour  around  the  station,  including
                                        at  home.  Patients  are  encouraged  to  self-
                                                                                            viewing  all  the  equipment,  and  the  chance  to
                                        care, seek advice on treating symptoms via          chat  to  the  operational  crews.    Please  don’t
        reputable on line resources such as NHS Choices, or to seek advice from a local     forget  to  check  the  batteries  in  your  smoke
        Pharmacist before contacting the GP.                                                alarm and CO alarm. If you would like help with
                                                                                            this,  you  can  request  a  visit  on  their
        Patients are advised to:
             rest and sleep                                                                and-well-visits/
             keep warm                                                                     I  continue  to  hold  regular  surgeries  for
                                                                                            constituents  all  year  round and  if  you  have  an
             take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower your temperature and treat aches       issue that you need help with, please do get in
              and pains
                                                                                            t o u c h ;         e m a i l        m e
             drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration                              or
                                                                                            contact  my  office  on  01202  624216.  You  can
        More information for patients can be found on             also  follow  what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter
                                                                                            @ M i c h a e l 4 m d n p              o r

        Dorset Care Record
        The Dorset Care Record is a safe way to keep all of your health information in
        one  place.  This  means  that  it  is  easier  and  quicker  for  GPs,  nurses  and  social
        workers to give you the right care.
                                                                                                           AUTUMN LEAVES
        Soon  you  will  be  asked  to
        choose  who  can  see  your                                                                        OVER  50’S CLUB
        records  and  for  how  long.
        Your  Dorset  Care  Record                                                                          Members  enjoyed  the  musical  entertainment  of  Alex  Betts
        holds   information   about                                                                         who  gave  us  a  wide  selection  of  songs  many  of  which  we
        things  such  as:  allergies;                                                                       were  able  to  join  in  including  a  few  member’s  special
        medication;     medical                                                                             requests.
        history; care plans, your GP,
        surgery.                                                                            At the next meeting at the Scout Hut on Wednesday 14th February at 2.30 there
                                                                                            will be a talk by Linda Lamon about ‘May’s Wood’ the area owned by Dr Brian
        The  next  time  you  see  a                                                        May  which  those  living  locally  have  seen  progressing  over  the  past  few  years
        health  care  professional,                                                         from just fields to wild flower areas, tree lined walks and potential woodland.
        you will be asked to choose
        who  can  see  your  Dorset                                                         The competition is for a picture of a wood or a tree.

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