Page 69 - BR December 2023
P. 69

December 2023                       December 2023

       FUNERAL TRIBUTES   If you need this service please email in confidence and
       we will help. Thank you to Gareth Lynam who is running this project for us.

 In St Paul’s Cathedral in London there is an inscription on the   Pop In Place Workshop Christmas gift ideas
 monument  to  the  great  architect  Sir  Christopher  Wren,
 which  reads  “If  you  wish  to  see  his  memorial  look  around   A variety of bird boxes and planters are for sale call in on Friday morning to see
 you”.  This  epitaph could  be applied just  as  readily  to Mike   them
 Menzies  albeit  in  the  rather  more  humble  precincts  of  the   We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,
 Parish  of  Affpuddle  with  Turnerspuddle.  A  ‘doer’  and  a   making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and
 ‘giver’ by nature, Mike’s works are all around us, and so many and varied are   drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
 they that it is difficult to know where to start, but here we go:   that is available for people to play a game.
 Mike was a boiler engineer by profession and his work took him far and wide   If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own
 across  the  world. It was  in this capacity  that  Mike spent many  hours  battling   small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.
 with  the  church’s  somewhat  ageing,  cranky  and  temperamental  heating
 system, a task that would have tested the patience of a saint, not least when
 on a freezing cold Sunday morning in January the heating conked out within   Pop In Place Performers  - Robin Hood do you have your
 30  minutes  of the start  of a  church  service. The  call would  therefore go out,   tickets?
 “send for Mike” and true to form Mike would be there with his tool bag ready
 to  coax  the  beast  back  into  life.  In  so  doing  Mike  not  only  saved  the   We are  in the final rehearsals now of this great little PANTO Robin Hood and the
 congregation  from  catching  pneumonia  but  also  saved  the  church  from   Sherwood Performers and it will be showing on 25  26  27  January 2024
 catching a hefty bill into the bargain. It should also be noted that Mike not only
 carried out emergency repairs but also all of the routine maintenance required   Tickets are available from November from the Pop In Place or telephone
 to enable the system to carry on.   Alison on  01929 472023
 Inside  the  church  in  addition  to  the  all  too  frequent  task  of  balancing
 precariously  on a  ladder changing dud light  bulbs, Mike  took  on the  annual
 task of setting up,  decorating and  illuminating a very large Christmas  tree in   Pop In Place Move Well Classes
 the nave, ably assisted by his children Emma and  Andrew. He would then of   The new classes start up again in January more details to follow.
 course be there to take it all down again at the end of Christmas. As with any
 very  ancient  building  the  maintenance  tasks  associated  with  the  church   Enquiries   about   the   classes   can   be   emailed   to   me
 structure   are   endless.   Particularly   persistent   at or telephone enquiries can be made via Lyn
 enemies  are  the  weeds  and  brambles  that  will     Simmonds on 01929 471528
 spring from any available crevice in the stonework   Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
 at any opportunity. Many of these weeds are high
 up  the  tower  and  so  to  avoid  the  enormous   For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023
 expense of cladding the tower in scaffolding Mike
 would  put  his  abseiling  skills  to  use  suspending
 himself  from  the  top  of  the  tower  and,  dangling
 there, carry out some high-altitude weeding.

 Mike  worked  hard  at  the  endless  task  of  keeping   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
 the  churchyard  looking  at  its  best.  A  regular
 attender  at  every  churchyard  tidy-up,  and  many   advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
 times in between them, Mike could often be seen   their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!
 unblocking  drains,  cutting  back  ivy  and  other

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