Page 49 - BR December 2023
P. 49

December 2023                       December 2023

 SPOTLIGHT ON ……..      range  of  talents  in  our  group.  Some  of  us  have
        done flower arranging courses and a few of us go
        to  the  Winterbourne  Kingston  Floral  Group.
 The Sanctuary Flower Guild   Anyone  who  is  a  beginner  is  paired  up  with  an
        experienced  arranger  to  guide  them.  But  we
 By our roving repoarter, Janey Gordon   always  say  to  anyone  who is  interested in joining
        the  group  and  has  not  done  flower  arranging

        before, there is no need to be an expert, just love
 In  the  parishes  of  Bere  Regis  and  Affpuddle  with   flowers!
 Turnerspuddle,  and  the  villages  these  parishes
 include,  there  are  a  number  of  people  who  give  their  time  and  energies  to   Janey: Where do you get your flowers and foliage
 support  and  enrich  the  local  communities  and  individuals  who  live  here.  They   from?
 contribute freely to the villages either as individuals or as groups and teams.    Diane: The people doing the arrangements bring
 The parish magazine is running a short series to “Spotlight” some of these, and this   in the  flowers, sometimes  from their own gardens
 month  we  are  featuring  the  Sanctuary  Flower  Guild,  which  is  the  group  of   or sometimes they will buy them. Adrian Standfield
 volunteers  who  look  after  the  floral  displays  and  decorations  in  the  Bere  Regis   helps with collecting foliage. He also helps with our display fittings, getting them
 parish  church  of  St  John  the  Baptist.  The  group  is  led  by  Diane  Edmonds  who   out of storage and putting them up. He’s here today!
 organises the rota of twelve members.     We have three other village organisations that support us, the WI, the Bellringers

 I  went  along  to  the  church  to  meet  Diane  on  Friday  10   November,  when  the   and  the  Forresters.  They  each  have  a  two-week  period  in  the  year  when  they
 group  were  decorating  the  church  in  paper  and  fabric  poppies,  along  with   cover the cost of the flowers and provide the arrangements.
 masses  of  green  foliage,  ready  for  Remembrance  Sunday.  I  asked  Diane,  what   We  offer  to  do  arrangements  for  family  services  such  as  weddings,  christenings
 the plans were.   and funerals. We’ll liaise over colours and so on. If the family have their own florist,
 Diane:  This  year  we  have  even  more  poppies  than  we  usually  do  as  we  were   we‘ll take our arrangements out and then put them back afterwards.
 given some extra by the local Royal British Legion. So, hopefully, we will cover the   Over the years we have also had quite a number of Flower and Quilt Festivals in
 church  in  poppies.  We  will  have  our  two  “whirly-gigs”,  which  are  free  standing   the  church,  usually  to  raise  money  for  a  local  charity.  I  am  a  member  of  the
 units,  with  five  small  shelves  each.  They  will  go  either  side  of  the  aisle  in  the   Kingsbere Quilters and it seemed a natural move to include quilts into the flower
 chancel and wreaths on the chancel steps. There will be a display on entering the   festivals.
 church and another at the entry to the choir. The pulpit will be covered with small
 poppies  and  we  will  have  our  other  shelves  hanging  on  the  pillars  in  the  nave,   Janey: Do you have flowers in the church every week of the year?
 each decorated with poppies.
        Diane:  No, there  are no flowers  during Lent  and  Advent. But  we  all  really  enjoy
 We normally just have two flower arrangements, one at the altar and one at the   doing the special arrangements afterwards for Easter and Christmas.
 front pillar near the door. We are keeping the altar arrangement this week as it is
 still fresh. The church is a nice cool environment for flowers, so they usually last two   Janey: What are your plans for the Christmas arrangements?
 weeks.   Diane: I put out a call for volunteer arrangers in early December and liaise with
 Janey: How did you get involved with the Sanctuary Flower Guild?   Reverend Sandra. We need to be ready for the first Christmas Carol service. We
        do arrangements in Christmas colours - red, green and white - and we have extra
 Diane: Several of us went to an evening class and then got the teacher, Bunty,   floral  displays  by  the  font,  the  vestry  and  possibly  in  the  ‘squint’  (the  window
 along to some sessions in the Bere Regis Scout Hut. That got us into church flower   between the nave and the chancel). The arrangements often will be seen from
 arranging. I have been doing it for over ten years now.   the front and back, so we have to take that into account.

 Janey: How do you rota the members of the group?   St John’s is  a lovely  church to decorate.  There are  lots of places  to put  flowers
        and it is such a nice thing to do. The church has such a calm, quiet atmosphere. I
 Diane: We work in pairs, two weeks at a time, so about two fortnights a year. Each   especially love it when I am here on the hour and the church bells ring!
 pair  brings  in  the  flowers  and  does  the  arrangements.  We  have  quite  a  wide

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