Page 43 - BR December 2023
P. 43

December 2023                       December 2023
 The current members of the Sanctuary Flower Guild are:
 Diane Edmonds (main contact); Dian Pitts; Claire Close;
 Eileen  Salisbury;  Enid  Leigh;  Amanda  Leigh;  Jenny   The  osprey  resides  in  West  Africa  over  the
 Clifford;  Alison  Debenham;  Diana Ventham; Sue Stone;   winter  months.  As  has  been  the  case  with
 Alison Lynam; Alison Keogan; Adrian Standfield.   many  birds  of  prey,  osprey  were  persecuted
       and the subject of egg collectors. By the early
 We  hope  you  got  pleasure  from  the  Sanctuary  Guild’s   20   century  osprey  were  extinct  in  the  UK,
 work  for  Remembrance  Day  in  St  John  the  Baptist’s   although they made a natural comeback to
 Church,  Bere  Regis.  After  Advent,  please  look  out  for   Scotland  in  the  mid  20   century.  More
 and enjoy their Christmas arrangements.    recently,  starting  ion  2017,  there  has  been  a
       translocation  project  to  bring  young  birds
 New  volunteers  are  always  welcome  and  will  be   from  Scotland  to  Poole  Harbour.  There  has
 supported by old hands!   been a pleasing outcome with osprey nesting
       and  successfully  breeding  at  Poole  Harbour
       during the summers of 2022 and 2023.
 DORSET TRADING STANDARDS              The  osprey  has  dark  brown  upperparts  and

                                       contrasting white underparts. Their heads are
 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and   white  with  a  dark  brown  through  their  eyes.
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.   They  are  one  of  the  larger  UK  birds  with  an
 For more information visit or   impressive wingspan of 1.6 metres (5.25 feet)
 call 08454 040506.                    and  a  length  of  some  55cm  (nearly  2  feet).
 To report or seek advice about problems you have   The  birds  have  an  average  lifespan  of  9
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.    years.  Satellite  tracking  has  shown  that
                                       osprey may fly up to 430 km (265 miles) in just
                                       one day. In all, it takes them about 20 flying
 Loan sharks                           days to complete their migration journey.
 You may picture a loan shark as a TV soap gangster, but in reality, they are not
 always that easy to spot.
       Working Party
 Illegal money lenders could be a neighbour who always stops to chat, a parent
 who  you  know  from  the  school  gate,  a  popular  work  colleague,  even  a  long-  We hope to relaunch our wildlife and environment working party sessions in the
 standing family friend. All are expert manipulators, often befriending victims and   New  Year.  Over  the  years  a  great  deal  of  good  conservation  work  has  been
 offering a quick-fix loan.    carried  out  by  our  volunteers  at  Souls  Moor  and  alongside  the  Bere  Stream
       walkway. We really need some new volunteers to help continue and build upon
 Around Christmas they may be more active than usual, aware that with the cost-  that good work. If you are interested in sparing just a couple of hours a month to
 of-living crisis, people may be under increasing financial pressure.   join the working parties please email for more information
       and we will include you on our mailing list.
 Victims  often  aren’t  aware  that  they  have
 borrowed  from  a  loan  shark  until  it’s  too
 late.  Many  people  who  report  loan  sharks   Contact Us
 think  they  were  borrowing  money  from  a
 friend.  However,  things  can  quickly  turn   If you would  like to know more  about  the  work  of the  Wildlife and  Environment
 nasty   as   they   demand   extortionate   Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:
 repayments  and  threaten  violence  when   Tony Bates at / 01929 471563 or
 you can’t pay.
       Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942
 Often people turn to loan sharks looking for

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