Page 14 - BR December 2023
P. 14

December 2023                                                                       December 2023
         THE LATVIA CANDELABRA                                                             will give you a call to discuss what you would like. The last day for hamper orders is
                                                                                           Saturday 16  December.
                                                                                           You  can  order  anything  specific  you  would  like,  fruit  and  veg,  meat,  bread,
         In Affpuddle church               Visitors  to  the  Parish  churches  in  Bere     Christmas  trees  and  dairy  items.  Order  forms  are  in  the  shop  now.  Orders  for
                                           Regis  and  Affpuddle  may  have  noticed       Christmas  meats  need  to  be  with  us  by  Friday  1  December  but  non-Christmas
                                           a   multi-   branched   wrought   iron          meats  will  be  available  as  usual.  So  save  yourself  the  hassle  of  going  to  the
                                           candelabra  in  each  and  wondered             supermarket and order from your shop. The last dates for orders will be –
                                           where  they  came  from  and  what  they
                                           are doing there.                                                              Saturday 16 December:
                                                                                             Friday 1 December:
                                           In  1991  the  small  Baltic  state  of  Latvia                               Dorset Hampers
                                           became  independent  after  37  years  of       Christmas items from Curtis   Italian Bakery items
                                           occupation  by  Russia  and  forced             Christmas Trees
                                           membership of the USSR. In 1944, George                                       Sargents Dairy items
                                           Silavs,  a  Latvian-  born  resident  of                                      Fruit & Veg
                                           Briantspuddle  had  escaped    from  Riga
                                           with  his  mother  and  sister  ahead  of  the   The last posting dates for UK mail (ie letters and cards) –
                                           occupying  Soviet  forces  .  They  made
                                           their  way,  on  foot,  to  Western  Europe,    1  class – Wednesday 20 December
                                           then  to  Australia  and  eventually  to  the
                                           UK. In 1992 George was able to return to        2nd class – Monday 18 December
                                           Latvia  to  meet  his  father  and  other       For parcels and overseas mail see www.
                                           members of his  Latvian family for the first    dates or check with the PO.
                                                                                           We  still  have  calendars  available  in  the  shop  at  £6.00  each  (including  an
                                           He came back with desperate stories of          envelope) so please support what is a firm Briantspuddle Shop tradition!
                                           the  plight  of  the  recently  liberated
                                           Latvians;  shortages  of  all  manner  of       Christmas opening hours: the shop and PO will be shut on Christmas Day, Boxing
                                           commodities,  food;  clothing,  school          Day and New Years’ Day. Newspapers can be collected from the box outside the
                                           books and equipment and, in particular,         shop on Boxing Day and New Years’ Day – they probably won’t have arrived by
        medical supplies and equipment. With the loan of                                   9.00am so leave it until a little later to collect them. Please let us know in good time
        a  coach  and  volunteer  drivers  from  a  coach                                  if you are changing your newspaper order.
        company  in  Bournmouth,  an  aid  mission  was                                    If you would like more information about the help we currently need and/or you
        rapidly  organised  for  the  following  year.  The                                think you can offer some time to help keep the shop going please get in touch
        coach  was  stripped  of  most  of  its  seats,  loaded                            with us at the shop on 01929 472000,     e-m or pop
        with  donated  aid  items,  and  over  the  course  of                             in and see us. Our opening hours are:
        about  7  days  a  party  of  volunteers  made  the
        overland trip to George’s home- town of Ikskile  in                                Shop: 9.00am – 12 noon Monday to Saturday and 10am – 12 noon on Sunday.
                                                                                           PO: 9.00am – 12 noon Monday – Friday.
        During  that  first  trip,  we  met  members  of  the
        Latvian  Scouts  who  were  in  the  process  of  re-                              It is your shop, so please support it, either as a customer, or a volunteer, preferably
        forming from the Soviet Young Pioneers movement                                    both!
        and promised to come to Latvia the following year
        and  help  them  set  up  a  Summer  camp  for  the
        newly-formed  Latvian  Scouts  and  the  many           In Bere Regis church
        orphans of forced Russian marriages.                                               Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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