Page 74 - br-dec-2022
P. 74

December 2022                       December 2022

 babe in arms, and each of us will one day taste the pain of death. Jesus chose to   concerned  about  their  heating
 enter  the  world  and  chose  to  die,  because it  was  only  through  the  death  and      bills and are trying to find ways
 resurrection of the man who is both Christ and God that our sins could be forgiven   that  they  can  economise  on
 and that salvation could be given to us.          heating  their  homes.  They  are
                                                   turning  on  heating  later  in  the
 We  focus  upon  the three gifts  that  the  wise men  gave at  Christmas,  and  often   day,  turning  the  thermostat
 that is why we think we give presents, because it is the birthday of Jesus and he   down  or  just  seeing  how  long
 was given presents, but that is not the real reason at all. The most famous verse in   they can go without resorting to
 the Bible says ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,   the  central  heating  at  all!  But
 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Jesus   there  are  risks  attached  to  this
 not only received gifts, but He Himself was the gift that God gave to the world,   and  with  the  colder  days
 and that includes me and that includes each of you.    coming   on   and   everyone

 God gave us Jesus, and Jesus took the punishment for our sin, went to the cross   thinking  of  their  fuel  bills  it  is  worth  knowing  how  to  recognise  hypothermia  in
 and died, so that we could receive His life. The Bible says that whoever believes in   yourself and in others.
 Him will not perish, but has eternal or everlasting life. One day, each of us will die   If you feel cold and are shivering, don’t ignore it. This is your body telling you to
 in  our  body,  but  our  soul  will  live  on  in  one  of  two  places,  and  that  destiny  is   get  warm.  Put  on  extra  clothes,  have  a  warm  drink,  move  around.  Warm  your
 determined  simply  by  one  thing  and  one  thing  only;  did  I  receive  the  gift  that   environment up.  This  may  mean putting the heating  on  before you  planned to
 God gave me, or did I reject it. Jesus Christ is God, He is the Christ or chosen one,   but please remember the dangers.
 He died for and He died for you, so that you don’t have to perish, so that you, in a
 sense,  are  given  a  get  out  of  hell  free  card,  and  this  is  the  good  news  of  the   If you start shivering uncontrollably, this is the first sign of hypothermia. You must
 christian  faith,  that  there  is  nothing  you  need  to  do  or  indeed  can  do  to  save   act  immediately,  since  the  next  signs  can  be  confusion,  exhaustion  and
 yourself, except simply trust Jesus by believing who He is and what He has done.    drowsiness.  A  person  suffering  from  hypothermia  starts  to  disregard  their  own
       safety  and  well-being.  They  may  stop  feeling  the  cold  and  even  take  off  their
       warm clothing. This is why hypothermia can be fatal.
       We need to be particularly mindful of each other this winter. If you call on your
       neighbour and find them in a very cold house, check them for hypothermia.

       Look for signs of
            shivering, although this can stop as hypothermia takes hold

            pale, cold and dry skin, their skin and lips may be blue
            slurred speech
            slow breathing
            tiredness  and  confusion,  even  foolish  behaviour.  They  may  deny  feeling
             cold and be wearing thin, inappropriate clothes.

       What to do if you suspect hypothermia
            call  999  –this  is  a  life-threatening  condition  and  needs  rapid  medical

            get the person into a warm environment
            turn on the heating if the house is cold

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