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December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       Even when walking back to the station, I didn’t need any extra layers, it was  a

       very mild November evening.  What a contrast to some of those chillier evenings     DATES FOR
       in July and August.
       Advent is all about preparation,                                                            YOUR DIARY
       before  Christmas  there  are four
       very  important  weeks  that  get                                                   2022
       us  ready  to  celebrate  Christ’s
       birth.  Advent signals the start of
       the  Christian  Church’s  new                                                             Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       year,  this  year  on  Sunday  28
       November.    The  colour  in                                                             Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning      Gardening Club
       church  changes  to  purple  and
       an  Advent  wreath is used.   The
       lighting  of  candles  on  an                                                                    January
       Advent  wreath  was  imported                                                        SP
       from  northern  Europe  in  the                                                           20th   Salt and Pepper Club
       nineteenth  century  and  is  common  practice.    The  wreath  is  decorated  with
       greenery and four candles are spaced around the outer ring, the ring symbolizes                  February
       God’s unending love for us, these candles may be red or purple and are lit one at
       a time on each Sunday in Advent.  The Advent season falls at the darkest time of          8th    ‘On the Spot’  -  Elizabeth Whitcomb            2.00pm
       the year and as each week goes by the light is overcoming the darkness, by the
       time we get to the third Sunday in Advent, three candles are lit and so the light is      9th    Communibus  -  Mystery Tour with lunch
       greater  than  the  darkness.  In  the  centre  of  the  ring  a  white  candle  symbolizes
       Jesus,  the  light  of  the  world,  and  is  lit  at  the  first  service  of  Christmas,  usually      16th   Joyce Grenfell
       ‘Midnight Mass’ which starts late on Christmas Eve.
       This season of preparation and expectation often gets lost in the hustle and bustle       SP   17th   Salt and Pepper Club
       of getting ready for Christmas, but its good to take time to remember what the
       season  of  Christmas  is  really  about  and  reflect  on  the  coming  of  God’s  Son.  A      23rd   Communibus  -  Bridport
       baby,  born  in  a  manger,  born  to  set  us  all  free  from  the  fears  and  the  sin  that
       affects us all.
       The  words  of  the  well  known  Charles  Wesley  Advent  hymn  fit  this  thought
       perfectly:                                                                                1st    Pancake Day
             ‘Come, thou long expected Jesus,
             Born to set thy people free;                                                        8th    Maia Nash                                       2.00pm
             From our fears and sins release us;                                                 9th    Communibus  -  Haskins Garden Centre
             Let us find our rest in thee.’
       When  the  time  comes,  I  hope  you  are  fully  prepared  to  have  a  wonderful       16th   Jurassic Coast
       Christmas, but until then, enjoy the waiting – I’m sure it will be worth it!
                                                                                                 17th   Salt and Pepper Club
       I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas and a blessed and peaceful 2022.
       With blessings, Sandra                                                                    23rd   Communibus  - Groves Nursery

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