Page 46 - br-dec-2020
P. 46

December 2020                                                                       December 2020
       BERE REGIS WI                                                                        BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

       Every  year,  Bere  Regis  WI  members  have  an                                     FIREWORKS IN WAR AND PEACE
       outing  to  a  local  (or  sometimes  not  so  local)
       place  of  interest.  We’ve  had  guided  walks                                      Some  years  ago  I  was  shown  the  work  diaries  of  two  of
       around  Wareham  and  Dorchester  and  visits  to                                    Britain’s major fireworks companies going right back to the
       manor  houses,  country  parks  and  museums,  all                                   Second  World  War.  Both  companies  were  operating
       rounded  off  with  appropriate  victuals  –  be  it  ice  cream  or  fish  and  chips  or  a   normally  until  1939,  when  all  work  was  diverted  to
       cream  tea.    As  we  had  to  cancel  our  visit  this  year  (a  bespoke  guided  tour  of   supplying military contracts.
       Minterne House and Gardens), we’re using our trusty word search as a method of       They produced practice grenades, smoke flares, thunder-flashes, tracer charges
       sharing  with  you  some  of  our  past  outings.    Please  note,  we  didn’t  all  just  go   for bullets, special effects, decoy munitions, and decoy pyrotechnics, all the way
       shopping in Tesco, this was a behind-the-scenes tour of the Blandford branch to      up to marker-flares for the RAF Bomber Command Pathfinder Squadrons with very
       see how everything works! Besides this, there are 11 others to find.                 accurate  colour  codings.  After  the  war,  it  was  not  before  November  1946  that
       How did you get on with last month’s search?  If you didn’t quite find them all,     things got back to normal.
       we’ve included the answer here.                                                                                    Bere Regis was no exception and we had our
                                                                                                                          own firework display at the Recreation Ground
       For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact
       Di  Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more                                      on 5th November 1946. As might be expected
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.                                          of such a demanding job we selected a one-
                                                                                                                          legged man to light the fireworks and then run
                                                                                                                          away as fast as he could. I will not name him
                                                                                                                          here as his bravery should still be admired and
                                                                                                                          he was also a great friend of my Grandfather.
                                                                                                                          There  were,  according  to  a  reliable  witness,
                                                                                                                          lots  of  gaps  between  each  firework  and  the
                                                                                                                          display  went  on  for  almost  an  hour.  It  did,
                                                                                                                          however, culminate in what seemed to be the
                                                                                                                          biggest firework in the collection and called a
                                                                                                                          "Super  Mine".  The  fuse  was  lit  and  our  man
                                                                                                                          legged it in the definite singular as fast as he
                                                                                            could  go.  The  crowd  were  tense,  knowing  that  this  was  the  culmination  of  the
                                                                                            show. The firework fizzled then purred for a moment or two, then went "plop" as it
                                                                                            fell apart in a small cloud of smoke. Round of applause please.....

                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                                 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the

                                                                                                 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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