Page 64 - br-dec-2019
P. 64

December 2019                                                                       December 2019

       BRIANTSPUDDLE POST OFFICE AND                                                       HELLO CLEANERS AND DUSTERS!


                                                                                           As  the year goes on,  and  especially now that the clocks have changed, it has
       Seasonal Greetings from the Shop…..                                                 been  noticed  that  there  is  sometimes  insufficient  light  to  properly  clean  the
                                                                                           church by. Also the coin operated lighting isn’t working currently.
       All  the  staff  at  Briantspuddle  Shop
       and  Post  Office  wish  you  a  very                                               We can’t access the light switch which is inside the vestry, and it is prohibitively
       Happy Christmas and New Year!                                                       expensive to have the lights on all the time in winter.
       Calendars  for  2020  are  on  sale,                                                Sarah Welton the Church Warden has kindly said she will (whenever possible for
       each  month  showing  two  photos                                                   her) switch the lights on when we are cleaning.
       of the same local spot, one “then”
       and the other “now” -  you will be                                                  If you can let her know when, either by phoning her on 471562 or emailing her on
       fascinated  by  the  changes,  some                                        that would seem to be the best way forward.
       in  just  a  few  years,  others  over
       many  years!    Calendars  cost  £5
       There is a good stock of Christmas
       cards  and  last  month  we
       mentioned the £5 gift vouchers, an
       easy Christmas gift and valid for six
       months on shop purchases.
       We  can  take  orders  for  turkeys  and  other  Christmas  fare  –  supplied  by  Ball’s  of
       Puddletown for collection from Briantspuddle shop when you are ready.
       The shop will be open for business every day except Christmas Day and Boxing
       Day  from  9  till  12  noon  except  Sundays  which  are  10  till  12  noon.  Collect  your
       newspaper or magazine of choice (don’t forget to order in advance) and collect
       the other ‘forgotten’ items at the same time!
       Christmas  stamps  are  available  from  the  Post  Office  along  with  all  its  usual
       services - letters going overseas, parcel handling, cash withdrawals and the rest.
       The Post Office is open 9 till 12 noon Monday to Friday, save for Christmas Day,
       Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
       See you over the Christmas period!

       Briantspuddle Shop and PO Staff

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