Page 12 - br-dec-2019
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December 2019                                                                       December 2019

                        Intercessions   Chalice                                             VILLAGE HALL NEWS
       1  December      J Haigh          P Haigh
       8  December      Celebrant
                                                                                           And so here we are at the end of another year of fun
       15  December     Celebrant        R Killer                                          and activity at the village hall. November was a busy
       22  December     M Menzies        M Menzies                                         month and many thanks go to Maggie Hoyle and her
       24  December     Celebrant        E Moriarty S Moriarty                             team  for  another  superb  film  festival.  It  is  very  much
       25  December     Celebrant        E Whatley R Killer                                appreciated  when  people  not  on  the  committee  put  on  events  for  the
                                                                                           community and also help raise funds for the village hall at the same time. A great
       5  January       A Grindrod       S Sanderson
                                                                                           evening was had by all. Here’s to looking forward to next years film festival.
                                                                                            Similarly with the screen bites event, like with everything that happens at the hall,
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota                                                           it  doesn’t  just  happen,  a  huge  amount  of  time  and  energy  goes  into  putting

                                                                                           these  events  on  and  I  know  Jenny  Lightfoot  worked  tirelessly  to  oversee  the
       Date:         Flowers:              Cleaning:                                       event,  a  difficult  task  when  so  much  of  it  is  down  to  an  outside  organisation.
       7 December    Advent                Erica Moriarty                                  Apologies to those of you who felt a little let down by this years event. Due to the
       14 December   Advent                Elizabeth Whatley                               horrendous weather over that weekend and in particular during the day on the
                                                                                           Saturday, several of the stall holders made executive decisions not to attend with
       22/23 Dec.    Decorate for Christmas  Elizabeth Whatley
                                                                                           little or no notice for anything to be done about it. Those food producers who did
       28 December   Sue Taylor            Sue Taylor
                                                                                           turn up had a good evening and the film was a great hit and so all was not lost.
       4 January     Anne Forty            Anne Forty                                      Thanks again to all those who put so much time and effort in.
       Best wishes and many thanks to all our hard working
                                                                                           Also,  by  the  time  you  read  this  we  will  have  enjoyed  another  Artsreach  event
       Cleaners and flower arrangers.
                                                                                           organised by Jenny Beadle and her team of helpers. We are so very fortunate to
       Affpuddle with Turnerspuddle PCC                                                    have so many people in our community prepared to put in the time and effort
                                                                                           required to keep our vibrant community life going and thanks go to Jenny and
                                                                                           her team as well and to everyone who helps in any way over the year.
                                                                                                                                         As  December  arrives  things
       ADVENT COURSE IN AFFPUDDLE PARISH                                                                                                 hot   up   even   more,   if
                                                                                                                                         possible,  in  fact  let’s  lunch
                                                                                                                                         Christmas  dinner  and  the
       As  advertised  in  the  weekly  pew  sheets,  this  course                                                                       Christmas    fayre   have
       consists  of  four  sessions  on  Monday  evenings,  7.15  pm                                                                     already   kicked   off   the
       for  7.30  until  9.00,  beginning  on  18   November  and                                                                        festivities  and  we  still  have
       ending  on  9   December,  open  to  anyone  in  the                                                                              the   Briantspuddle   singers
       benefice.    Venue  is  Bladen  Tye,  Briantspuddle,  the                                                                         Christmas   concert,   the
       home  of  Mrs  Audrey  Grindrod.    This  year  we  have  a                                                                       Christmas  lights  competition
       musical theme, based on pieces chosen, and material                                                                               and  awards  night  to  come
       provided, by Dr Richard Hall.  Richard’s themes for the                                                                           on the 20  6pm-8.30pm with
       four sessions are (1) Prophecy, (2) Mary, (3) Advent, and                           music  and  nibbles  and  maybe  a  game  or  two  a  great  evening  of  fun  and
       (4)  Christmas.    Although  the  course  will  be  half-way                        entertainment. Tickets are £6 and cover two adults and children. If you’re on your
       through  by  the  time  you  see  this,  the  sessions  each                        own team up with someone and share a £6 ticket, mulled wine and a mince pie
       stand alone so it is not too late to join in.  Please advise                        are also included in the ticket price.
       Jonathan Haigh, on 01929 471768, if you are thinking of
       attending, to aid room planning etc.                                                You don’t have to have lit up your house to join us but obviously the more that do
                                                                                           light up and enter the competition the brighter our villages and Christmas will be.

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