Page 82 - br-december-2018
P. 82

December 2018                                                                       December 2018
                                                                                           BERE REGIS                      Sidesmen
                                                                                           CHURCH ROTAS
                          CHURCH AND VILLAGE

       ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS                                                             2    10.00am         Mr Bates/Mr House
                                                                                                    Readers                     Chalice         Mr House/Mr Ward
                                                                                                                                Intercessions     Mr Croom
                                                                                                    Parish Communion
       Association  Contact  Tel      Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info                                                     6.00pm          Mr Gibbs and others

                                                                                                    2 nd
                                                                                                                           9 th   10.00am       Junior Church
                                                                                                    Gospel:   Mr   Smith/
       Bere Regis Scout   Neal Unitt-  01929                  Mondays 7.30 - 9 pm
       Group (Scouts)   Jones   472273                        10½ or 11 to 14 years                 Epistle: Mrs Gibson      th
                                                              Scout Hut, Elder Road                                        16   10.00am         Mr Smith/Mr Croom
       General or group         01305                                                                                           Chalice         Mr Smith/Mr Wharf
       enquiries      Chris Gall   772634                                                           16
                                                                                                                                Intercessions     Mr Cox
                                                                                                    Gospel:  Mr  Croom/
       Bere Regis Scout   Kate Willis   01929                 Thursdays 6.30  -  8 pm
       Group (Cubs)             472787                        8– 10½ or 11 years                    Epistle: Mr Beet            6.00pm          Mr Gibbs and others
                                                              Scout Hut, Elder Road
                                                                                                      th                     th
                                                                                                    24                     24    11.30pm        Mr Smith
       Kingsbere Explorer   Helen Unitt-  01929               Tuesdays 7.30 pm-9.30 pm.             Gospel:   Mr   Smith/       Chalice         Mr  Smith/Mrs  Welton
       Scout Unit     Jones     472273                        14-18 years, male and
                                                              female.  Scout Hut, Elder    Epistle: Mrs Welton
                                                                                                                           25   11.00am         TBC
       Bere Regis Scouts   Andrea   472588   2 Old Barn Cottages   andrealynnmar  Hire rates from £7.00 per
       Scout Hut Hire   Marshall   or 07884   West Street   shall@hotmail.c  hour
                                226445              om

                                                                                           Cleaning and Dusting
       Briantspuddle Book   Jenny Beedle   471002   6 Bladen Valley,   angie@ptalbot.  2nd Saturday 10  -  11  am
       Swap Club      Angie Talbot   472483   19 Bladen Valley   Briantspuddle Village Hall
                                                                                                         Cleaning             Dusting
       Chapel Toddlers   Suzie Gee   472484   Rose Cottage, Butt   suziegtitus3v4@  Tuesdays  -  9.15 a.m.  -
       Group                          Land   11.30 a.m.  at the       3 & 10       Nancy Gibson         Cecilia Clarke
                                                              Congregational Chapel,        December     Sue Steggals         Dave Clarke
                                                              Butt Lane
       Cyril Wood Court                                       1st Saturday of every         17 & 24      Heather Day          Simon Walker
       Monthly Coffee Stop                                    month from 10.00  -  12.00    December     Len Day              Tina Walker

       Drax Hall      Lyn Simmonds   471528
       Dorset County   Peter Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage   peterwharf@ho
       Councillor                     West Street
                                                                                           Sanctuary Flower Guild
       Kingsbere Quilters   Mrs Diane   472331   10 Boswell’s Close      Monthly   Scout Hut                       1st/8th   Advent  -  no flowers
                      Edmonds         BH20 7JE                1st Wednesday 9.30 am  -
                                                                                                                   15th     Advent  -  no flowers
       Milborne St Andrew   Secretary: Sue   01258   Lane End, Milborne   Msa.allotments  A new allotment site adjacent to
       Allotment Society   Gould (28   837575    St Andrew.   the Sports Club in the village,
                      Stileham Bank,                          whole plot £30, half plot £20 per                    22nd     Christmas  -  Red, white and green please
                      MSA DT11 0LE)
                                                                                                                   29th     Decorators  -  please tidy own arrangement
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