Page 73 - br-december-2018
P. 73

December 2018                       December 2018

 Sidesmen, Lesson Readers, Readings, Intercessors and
 Chalice   Hall Floor
       The  hall  has  been  greatly  enhanced  by  the
 Date   Time   Sidesmen   Lesson Readers   Readings   renovation and rejuvenation it has received. With
       curtains  washed  and  ironed  (thanks  Bob)
 2  December  11.30am A Armitage   A Armitage   1 Thess 3: 9-end
       cobwebs and dust removed and curtains re-hung,
 First Sunday      A Grindrod   E Moriarty   Luke 21: 25-36
       (thanks  Andrea,  Angie, Stuart and  Allan). There is
 of Advent   most definitely a bit more of the wow factor when

       you enter the building now.
 9  December   9.15am  P Haigh   E Badcock   Phil1: 3-11

 Second Sunday     M Cropper   M Cropper   Luke 3: 1-6
 of Advent   Artsreach, ‘The Gathering’

 16  December  8am   R Killer   R Killer   Phil 4: 4-7   What a splendid day that was, and what an immense amount of effort went into it
       from  all  concerned.  State  of  Play  Arts  brought  the  BEST  performance  we  have
 Third Sunday      Celebrant   Celebrant   Luke 3: 7-18
       seen  from  Artsreach  so  far.  The  film  they  made  using words  directly  from  letters
 of Advent
       and  diaries  of  local  women  whose  experiences  were  linked  yet  so  diverse  was

       thoughtful, ingenious and totally captivating in its’ originality.
 19  December  6.30pm  Lesson Readers and Readings etc tba
 Parish Carol   The play based on two local soldiers’ lives, experiences and deaths held the entire
 Service   audience enthralled from beginning to end. It was a truly moving and meaningful
       experience and culminated in a descendant of one of the men telling us about
 23  December  10am   Benefice Eucharist at Affpuddle   the  family.
 Fourth Sunday     Andrea Smith  Allan Smith   Heb 10: 5-10
       Jenny Beedle is our Artsreach promoter and her hard work and dedication is very
 of Advent      D Payne   M Menzies   Luke 1: 39-45      much appreciated by the Hall Committee and those who attended this event in

       particular.  We  must  also  thank  those  who  helped  with  the  tea,  the  setting  up,
 25  December  9.15am  S Sanderson   S Moriarty   Heb 1: 1-4
       decorating and taking down, and especially those who rose to the challenge of
 Christmas Day     C Parker   S Sanderson   John 1: 1-14
       knitting poppies and sewing them together to decorate the hall. A whole team of

       dedicated helpers made it a real tribute to those heroic men who sacrificed their
 30  December  10am   Benefice Eucharist at Affpuddle
       lives. We will remember them.
 1  Christmas      S Sanderson   Bere Regis Nominee   Col 3: 12-17

       E Whatley   S Sanderson   Luke 2: 41-end
       Tea Dance and Exhibition

 6  January   11.30am A Grindrod   R Prideaux   Eph 3: 1-12   I am writing this the morning following this event. Our second act of remembrance
 The Epiphany      R Prideaux   A Grindrod   Matt 2: 1-12   was  to  emulate  the  type  of  ‘party’  that  would  have  celebrated  the  end  of
       hostilities  and  the  beginning  of  the  peace.  We  remembered  with  poetry  and
       piping, and we celebrated with singing and dancing. Members of the community
       brought  along  beautiful  and  interesting  artefacts  including  posters,  trench  art,

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