Page 83 - br-aug-2020
P. 83

August 2020                          August 2020
 But is that a fair word?  We all accept it is
 no longer right to make comments on an      DATES FOR
 individual’s race, religion, culture, gender
 etc.    But  we’re  all  very  happy  to  be
 ageist.  We do it to ourselves – can’t walk      YOUR DIARY
 as fast, can’t touch my toes (well I can’t
 remember  the  last  time  I  did  that   2020
 anyway!),  can’t  keep  up  with  the
 grandchildren,  what  do  I  expect  I’m   Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
 getting  older!    Do  we  give  up  on   Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
 ourselves  and  others  far  too  quickly?
 What  about  all  the  experience  we’ve      August
 gained over the years, the wisdom - does
 anyone want to know?     11th  Communibus  -  Groves Nursery and West Bay

 I found this story – In the salesroom there
 was  a  violin.    It  looked  battered  and   12th  AL: Home Grown Entertainments, bring a pencil and a poem
 neglected.  One or two people picked it
 up and pulled the bow across it, but the   20th  Salt and Pepper Club
 sound  wasn’t  good.    The  auctioneer
 wondered  why  it  was  for  sale.    He   25th  Communibus  -  Sidmouth
 thought it should have been scrapped, it looked such a sorry sight.  Most people
 didn’t even notice it.  It would be lucky to sell for a few pence.  Just before the      September
 sale started an elderly gentleman came in.  He went over to the violin, retuned it   8th   Communibus  -  Breamore House and Countryside Museum
 and started to play.  The music was wonderful, the instrument became amazing.
 It had been transformed in the master’s hands.   When the violin was put up for
 auction bidding was brisk.  People suddenly realised the potential of this precious   8th   FG: Katie Baxter: Autumn Falls
       9th   AL: 49th birthday tea, meet our new associate priest
 If you google (other search engines are available) verses in the Bible about old
 age, quite a lot come up, but there are a couple that I particularly like:   12th  PiP  -  Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk   10.00am
 Psalm  92:12-14 ‘The  righteous  will  flourish  like  a  palm  tree,  they  will  grow  like  a

 cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts   17th   Salt and Pepper Club
 of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,’
       22nd  Communibus  -  Seaton
 Proverbs  16:31  ‘A  gray  head  is  a  crown  of  glory;  It  is  found  in  the  way  of
 righteousness.’      27th  PiP  -  Macmillan Coffee morning, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00
 It doesn’t matter how old you are, God has a plan for you, you are precious in his
 sight and you will always have potential.  So, lets embrace ‘elderhood’ and not      October
 give in to the ‘I’m too old’ excuse anymore.
       6th   Communibus  -  Bridport
 With blessings
       13th  FG: Denise Jones: Floral Dreams
       14th  AL: Alex Betts, guitar entertainment

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