Page 71 - br-august-2019
P. 71

August 2019                          August 2019
 and  life  giving  experience  to  come  together  as  the  body  of  Christ.  As  some
 members of the congregation said after the Service: ‘The sum was better than the     DATES FOR
  However,  the  knowledge  that  we  are  to  welcome  a  new  member  of  the      YOUR DIARY
 Benefice Team in October leads us to think about vocation and discipleship; who
 is it that is called, who learns and who is sent out to do the Lord’s work?  Often,
 when we think about vocation and discipleship we think ‘clergy’ and, of course,   2019
 clergy are learners, they are called and they are sent by God out into the world in
 mission to do His work. But it is not only clergy that that this commission applies to.    Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
 At the joint Service I referred to above we kept the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.   Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
 This day in the church calendar is always a time at which men and women (in the
 Church of England at any rate) are ordained as deacons and priests. On the day
 of our Service it was the day for the ordination of deacons. Eight men and women      August
 were  ordained  as  deacons  in  Salisbury  Cathedral  and  have  now  taken  their
 places as Assistant Curates in their parishes or chaplaincies to begin the particular   10th  Affpuddle Church Fete, Cruck Cottage, Briantspuddle   2.00-4.00
 ministry  to  which  God  has  called  them  at  this  time.  All  clergy  (including  priests,
 archdeacons,  priests,  bishops  and  even  archbishops)  are  ordained  first  as   14th  AL: Home Grown Entertainment
 deacons  and  even  if  they  are  later  also  ordained  as  priests  (or  bishops,
 archbishops ..) they always remain a deacon.
 The term ‘deacon’ comes from a Greek meaning ‘one who serves’. In the New
 Testament, the deacons, such as Philip in the Acts of the Apostles, were those who   3rd   GC: Food for Free, Foraging for Wild Food, James Feaver   7.30
 served at table; deacons are the servants of others modelled on the pattern of
 Jesus who told us that he came ’not to be served but to serve and to give his life   10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown
 as a ransom for many.’ The scriptural image that illustrates this most of all is where
 Jesus takes a towel (‘stole’), ties it around his waist and washes his disciples’ feet.   11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
 Washing feet was always the job of a servant.  Sometimes men and women may
 be ordained as ‘distinctive deacons.’ In this case they are not later also ordained   18th  WI: Local Artist
 as priests (or bishops). Their calling is to serve, with one foot in the church and the
 other  in  the  world  acting  as  a  bridge  between  the  two.  The  thing  about  all   14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk   10.00
 deacons, though, is that although ordained they symbolise the ministry to which
 all baptised Christians are called whether ordained or not.  They are, if you like,   27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning   10.00-12.00
 the  visible  illustration  of  our  common  calling  because  all  of  us  are  called  to
 diaconal  ministry;  that  is  to  service  of  others.  If  you  look  carefully  at  a  deacon
 during  worship  and  they  wear  robes,  which  is  quite  likely,  you  may  notice   October
 something about them; namely that the stole which they receive at ordination is
 worn  over  one  shoulder  and  tied  to  the  side  whereas  a  priest’s  stole  is  word   1st   GC: Harvest Supper
 around  both  shoulders  and  it  hangs  freely  to  the  front.  The  deacon’s  stole  is
 ‘moved’ to the side so as to be out of the way of the work of the day. The work   8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
 can be any work but most usually it is expected to be service of others.
       9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
 In these next few months as we anticipate the arrival of our new colleague and
 priest, there is a real opportunity for us pray for Rev Sandra and Graham as they   12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx   7.30
 prepare to move to Bere Regis and also to ask ourselves:-who am I, or who are
 we, being called to serve in our communities at this time?
       13th  Havest Lunch  -  Briantspuddle Village Hall            12.30
 Rev Carol

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