Page 36 - br-august-2019
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August 2019                                                                          August 2019

                                             Paul Martin       07788 185048                BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND

                                            Electrics          01929 289323                ENVIRONMENT GROUP
                                                                                           At the time of writing we have fine, warm and sunny
                                             Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’   weather. Please do your bit for our wildlife by topping
                                             experience offering:-                         up your bird bath or if you haven’t got one put out a
       Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160                                             saucer of water for birds and hedgehogs.
                                              Consumer Unit (fuse
                                              board) Replacement                           There are some glorious displays of wildflowers around
                                                                                           the  village.  The  permanent  meadow  area  at  May’s
                                              Emergency call-out
                                              Service                                      Wood  (between  the  school  and  Shitterton)  are  a  purple  haze  of  knapweed,
                                                                                           interspersed  with  the  yellow  Lady’s  Bedstraw  (yes,  it  really  was  used  to  stuff
                                              Additions and                               mattresses!), the last of the Ox Eye Daisy’s and a variety of grasses. The annual
                                              Alterations to Existing                      meadow areas at May’s Wood (behind Shitterton and above the school) have a
                                                                                           fine show of the white daisy-like Scentless Mayweed, blue Cornflower and yellow
                                              Portable Appliance                          Corn  Marigold.  As  well  as  providing  a  fine  show  for  us,  the  flowers  are  a  rich
                                              Testing                                      nectar source for insects and the areas are alive with a variety of insects as we
                                                                                           discovered  during  the  recent  Bioblitz  (see  below).  Of  course,  in  turn,  all  these
                                             No VAT – Fully Insured                        insects provide food for birds, bats and other animals.
                                             Part P Compliant
                                             Free Estimates
                                             All Work Guaranteed
                                                                                           The Group ran a Bioblitz on Saturday 6th July. Along with a number of experts we
                                             BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE
                                                                                           spent  the  afternoon  searching  for  as  many  plants,  flowers,  insects,  butterflies,
        Could the ALEXANDER                              CENTRE                            grubs, bugs etc as we could find on Souls’ Moor, in May’s Wood and the stream.
                                                    TEL: 01929 472205                      It was a great opportunity to find out more about the health and wealth of our
        TECHNIQUE help you?                               MOTs                             local habitats and wildlife. We were not disappointed! We’ll provide more details
                                              (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)      in  coming  Parish  Magazines,  but  for  butterflies  alone  we  identified  14  different
        Learning the technique will enable you to      SERVICING                           species. A fantastic tally on a single day.
        realise that the way you stand & move can                                          In the stream we found Bullhead fish (also known as Miller’s Thumb). This is a small
                                                  BRAKES * EXHAUSTS                        mottled brown fish with a large head, relatively large fins and a tapering body. It
        be the cause of pain & tension
                                                                                           lives on the bottom of fast, stony rivers and streams feeding on invertebrates, such
                                                COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS                   as  mayfly  and  caddisfly  larvae,  and  the  eggs  of  other  fish.  We  also  found  the
         The BMJ gave                              LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR                    larvae of a number of flys, including the caddis fly. The caddisfly is rather moth
                                                  MOST MAKES AND MODELS                    like in appearance with lacy wings and are to be found flying in swarms over the
          AT positive
                                                                                           water.  Before  the  caddisfly  emerges  they  have  a  larval  stage.  The  larvae  live
         results in their                     OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE                    underwater,  where  they  make  cases  by  spinning  together  stones,  sand,  leaves
         Back Pain trial                          IN THE MOTOR TRADE                       and twigs with a silk they secrete from glands around the mouth. The larvae live in
                                                                                           these tunnel like shelters, less than an inch long. The larvae and their shelters are
         01929 298 323                              Proprietor: Bill Greer                 often  to  be  found  under  stones  in  the  stream.  We  were  really  pleased  to  find
                                                   Unit 1 Townsend Business Park           these present in Bere Stream as it indicates that the stream is relatively clean and
         0770 441 9200                                Bere Regis, BH20 7LA                 able to support a wider ecosystem.
                                                   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)
        Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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