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August 2018                                                                          August 2018

       themselves  under  the  guidance  of  their  coach  managed  to  keep  calm  in  the
       face of such ordeal in the cave. It seemed that the whole world watched, but, I      DATES FOR
       think,  we  played  our  part  in  supporting  the  rescuers  by  our  prayers  and  all  our
       positive wishes. The Buddhist monks outside the cave kept up their vigil, praying in
       their way, just as so many of us as followers of different religions, including many         YOUR DIARY
       Christians, did the same.
       Now I cannot tell you where exactly the prayer fitted into the rescue but I have no   2018
       doubt  whatsoever  that  it  fitted  in  somewhere.  It  is  like  that  when  we  pray  for
       people who are ill or who are going through challenging times in other ways and      August
       when relief and healing comes, we cannot evaluate where the prayer fitted into
       the outcome but we can know that it played its part somehow. I have seen so          8th     Autumn Leaves, Home Grown Entertainment
       many  instances  where  prayer  has  made  a  great  difference,  most  frequently  in   9th   Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner Day at Nancy’s          2.00 p.m.
       bringing peace to people in their time of suffering.                                 21st    WI, Birthday Celebration Service

       On  the  same  news  programmes  as  the  wonderful  rescue,  we had  the  world  of
       politics and it was hard not to compare the two! Here there seemed such a lack       September
       of a loyalty to one another, no sense of working together for the common good,       5th     Mothers’ Union talk by Ted Cox Farm Crisis Network    2.00 p.m.
       even  if  one is not  in  total  agreement.  One  of  the  underlying  qualities  that  is  so
       often needed in life is the ability to find a compromise with those with whom one    11th    Floral Group, Anne Clark
       does not agree. It used to be that collective responsibility within the Cabinet was   12th   Autumn Leaves, 47th Birthday Tea, Vikki Mayo
       at  the  heart  of  government  in  the  UK,  but  alas  it  has  been  eroded  over  a  few   15th   Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk
       decades  and  now  we  find  ministers  using  the  media  –  and  social  media  –  to   19th   WI, Creature Teachers
       attack others who should be colleagues. Well, we shall have to see how all these     28th    Macmillan Coffee Morning, Lower Hall       10.00am-12.00noon
       political things work out....

       But where does that leave us? In our daily life, at whatever level – at work, within
       the  family,  in  our  community  life  –  we  always  need  to  find  ways  of  working   October
       together. This will sometimes require compromise and the ability to listen to each   3rd     Mothers’ Union Holy Communion, the Vicar              2.00 p.m.
       other.  I have sometimes found that by listening to a different opinion to my own,   9th     Floral Group, Annette Parker workshop
       my  view  on  some  subjects  could  well  be  enhanced  – indeed  possibly  radically   10th   Autumn Leaves, Stewart Timbrell
       altered. Just like all involved in the rescue, there must be a willingness to work on a
       common plan. Unity and loyalty must return to being prime virtues in our society!    13th    An Evening with Rapport and Presentations
                                                                                            13th    Mother’s Union Autumn Council and AGM, Durweston
       We need also to realise that prayer has a part to play in national life – and indeed   17th   WI, Care in the Community
       in political life. I wonder if, by chance we stopped grumbling about our leaders     19th    Purbeck Film Festival Briantspuddle Village Hall      7.30 p.m.
       (and we all do sometimes) we spent time in prayer for them as encouraged by St
       Paul as he wrote to his friend Timothy “ pray for kings and all those in authority,
       that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”. (1Timothy
       2:2) would there be a difference..... it is worth a thought!
                                                                                            7th     Mothers’ Union AGM and Bring and Buy                   2.00p.m.
       May God enable you to find peace and joy as he surrounds you with his love in        13th    Floral Group, Michael Bowyer, (Tarrant Keynston)
       this traditional holiday month,
                                                                                            14th    Autumn Leaves, Hilary Foggo
       Your loving Priest and Friend,                                                               Fundraising Raffle for Children in Need
                                                                                            21st    WI, Christmas Sweets and Treats

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