Page 68 - br-april-2020
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April 2020                                                                           April 2020

                                                                                              THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE

                                                                                                               with TURNERSPUDDLE
              YOUR DIARY
                                                                                            Our Vision:                                             Our Mission:
      2020                                                                                  To make Christ’s love                   To encourage awareness of the
                                                                                            known in the world today              presence of God through worship
       Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s                     and to live out his teaching                        music and the arts;
       Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
                                                                                                                                     To encourage everyone in the
                                                                                                                                   Christian faith through example,
                                                                                                                                      learning and spiritual growth;

      10th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village                                                                                 To make our churches open and
                                                                                                                                welcoming to all, and supportive of
      10th  FG: Pauline Hurran:  It’s Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas,                                                                        those in need;
            venue Tarrant Keyneston village hall
                                                                                                                                To challenge injustice at home and
      11th  AL: Wash Day Blues by ‘the Button Lady’  -  Thelma Johns                                                           abroad and to balance our care for
                                                                                                                                                  the environment.
      17th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village

      19th   Salt and Pepper
                                                                                           A LETTER FROM YOUR ASSOCIATE PRIEST
      20th  PiP  -  Children in Need, Lower Hall                   10.00-12.00
                                                                                           I suppose we should always be ready to expect the unexpected, especially when
                                                                                           we get enough warning.  However, I certainly didn’t expect to be writing this as
      24th  Communibus  -  Winchester Christmas Market
                                                                                           the effects of the coronavirus take a serious hold and we consider the implications
                                                                                           for us all, both nationally and globally.
                                                                                           As humans we prosper when we are connected to each other, to touch and love
      8th   Communibus  -  Salisbury Christmas Market                                      is  vitally  important.    We  must  now  find  different  ways  of  remaining  connected,
                                                                                           when  words  like  isolation  and  restriction  are  becoming  the  norm.    Self-help
      9th   AL: Christmas AFternoon                                                        community groups are springing up, proving that we want to stay connected, to
                                                                                           care for the vulnerable and to love our neighbour as we would want to be cared
      10th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 6.00pm
                                                                                           The unexpected is part of life, sometimes it can be lovely things, a lovely gift, a
      11th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 7.00pm                  helping hand, a telephone call or letter.  At this time of year my thoughts turn to
                                                                                           the  first  Easter  and  how  for  those  at  the  time  something  happened  that  they
                                                                                           weren’t expecting at all.  This always seemed to happen around Jesus, you’d think
      12th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 2.00pm
                                                                                           they would be used to it, but although Jesus knew what he was doing, no one
      18th  PiP  -  Carols and Mince Pies                          10.00-12.00
                                                                                                Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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