Page 3 - br-april-2019
P. 3

April 2019                            April 2019
       and perhaps to have a go at
 DATES FOR    s o m e o n e    a b o u t    i t .

       Churchwardens  in  particular,
    YOUR DIARY    I feel, are often given a very
       hard time but others are too.
       The  thing  is,  though,  that  we
 2019   are Christians we try not to do
       this; as forgiven people we try
    June      always  to  love  and  forgive
       others  ourselves,  as  indeed
       the  Lord’s  Prayer  we  say
 2nd   Briantspuddle Open Gardens
       week  by  week,  perhaps  day
       by day, encourages us to do.
 11th  FG: Amy Shakeshaft, TBA      In   good   times   and   in
       challenging   times   there
 12th  AL: Mary Graham, Dorset Villages      should   be   something   Our joint parishes working together  -  the ‘Open
       qualitatively  identifiable  in
       the  way  that  we  deal  with              the Book’ team
 19th  WI: Members’ Evening
       other.  We  see  this  clearly  in
       scripture where Jesus commanded us to ‘Love one another’ (15:12) and when he
 20th  Pop in Performers Summer Show   6.00   said to his followers of those not yet believers ‘they’ll know you are my disciples if
       you love one another’ (John 13:35).  How we deal with each other really matters
 21st   Pop in Performers Summer Show   7.00   and  scripture  tells  us  how our  dealings  with  each  other  (and  others)  should  be
       shown.  As St. Paul teaches in the famous letter to the Corinthians: ‘Love is patient
 22nd  Pop in Performers Summer Show   2.00   and kind.. it does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful.. it bears all
       things.. endures all things. Love never ends’ (extracted from 1 Cor.4-13).
 30th  Midsummer Bere Fest, Recreation Ground   2.00-8.00
       Easter  is  the  season  of  new  life;  now  and  in  the  life  to  come.  We  are,  as  the
       theologian Christopher Evans puts it, ‘people of the resurrection above all others’
    July      and, perhaps put even better, as St  Augustine famously said ‘we are an Easter
       people and alleluia is our song!.’  God has wonderful things planned for us; joyful
 2nd   GC: Pimms night and talk –Keeping Hens in the Garden   7.30   times  of  blessing  and  no  doubt  challenging  times  too.  With  expectant
       anticipation we face all this together with God’s help.
 9th   FG: Julie Jeans, Inspired by Artists                           Rev Carol

 10th  AL: Burlesque in Bere Regis by Lou-Lou-La-Belle

 17th  WI:Dorset Wildlife


 14th  AL: Home Grown Entertainment

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