Page 60 - jan2024
P. 60

January 2024                                                                        January 2024

          DATES FOR

          YOUR DIARY


          1TC                                 Communibus          Floral Group
                   1st Thursday Club
           SP        Salt and Pepper          Pop in Place          Women’s Institute

                                                                      Folk Nights
                Twinning Association              Gardening Club     FN



               9th        AGM   - Winterborne Kingston village hall.  Soup  1.00pm /
                          lunch to precede the meeting               2.00pm

               17th       New Year party

          SP   18th       Chicken curry or chicken casserole   Bread

                          & butter pudding

             To all contributors to the Dates for your Diary

           As soon as you have planned your programmes for 2024, it would be really
         helpful if you could let me have the information as soon as possible.  This helps
        others know when key dates are booked.  It also helps me to set out this section in
          one fell swoop, rather than in bits and drabs over several months  -  it can be
         quite time consuming. Even if a session has not yet been finalised, it’s  better to
              have the date, time and venue, and the content can be added later.

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