Page 22 - jan2024
P. 22

January 2024                                                                        January 2024
       When all these ingredients are prepared and the cake tin buttered and lined with
       paper – - cream butter and sugar, separate whites and yolks or eggs beat both
       separately  add  flour  and  eggs  by  degrees  beating  all  the  time  then  currants
       candied peel almonds cut up finely and brandy and spices and a little salt.

       For the almond icing
       ½ lb sweet almonds
        A few bitter ones
       6 oz sugar
       white of one egg   Well whisk the eggs stir in the sugar by degrees and lastly the
       ground almonds with a fork.
       The cake was tested first by members of the history society and the remains were
       consumed two days later by the members of the Pop in Place

       I chose to do the “Christmas cake’
                  Recipe as in Book with name of sender  - Miss Dinah Harris, Sherrington

       Christmas Cake
       Put ½ lb flour stir teaspoonful salt and one teaspoonful of baking powder.  Beat ¼
       lb butter to a cream and then beat in the well whisked yolks of two eggs and one                                              Dorset Property Care
       teacupful of milk warm. Six oz of sugar 1 lb currants 2 oz of candied peel ¼ of a
       nutmeg , the grated rind of half a lemon then stir in quickly ½ lb ground rice and                                                     Allan Slater
       last of all the whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth.  Put into a tin lined with                                              Based in Briantspuddle
       buttered paper and bake in a rather hot oven till done.    When nearly cold ice                                                  Services
       and ornament as you please                                                                                                       Building maintenance
        To be honest I am not a good cake baker.  I tried to mix it exactly as in recipe and                                            General joinery
       did end up with an odd looking curdled mixture.  Need to whisk eggs separately.  I                                               Garden maintenance
       think when I do this again I would start with butter and sugar.  Then add whisked                                                Garden landscaping
       egg yolks and milk then flour then fruit and lastly whisked egg whites.   I used a 10
       inch tin cooked for one hour on 160 fan oven.  Probably a fraction over cooked.                                                  Kitchens
       The cake turned out well, a bit crumbly and tasted of citrus.  It reminded me very                                               Man and digger hire
       much of fruit cakes from my childhood.  Slightly gritty texture from the ground rice                                             Waste carrier licence
       but lasted at least a week wrapped in cling film.

                                                                                                                                         07973 158092


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