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March 2020                            March 2020


                           with TURNERSPUDDLE
       Our Vision:                                              Our Mission:
 2020   To make Christ’s love                  To encourage awareness of the
       known in the world today               presence of God through worship
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s   and to live out his teaching   music and the arts;
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
                                                 To encourage everyone in the
                                               Christian faith through example,
                                                  learning and spiritual growth;

 10th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village      To make our churches open and
                                            welcoming to all, and supportive of
 10th  FG: Pauline Hurran:  It’s Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas,     those in need;
 venue Tarrant Keyneston village hall
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
 11th  AL: Wash Day Blues by ‘the Button Lady’  -  Thelma Johns      abroad and to balance our care for
                                                              the environment.
 17th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village

 19th   Salt and Pepper
 20th  PiP  -  Children in Need, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00
       I happened to notice on a popular social media site a post about coffee.  It had
 24th  Communibus  -  Winchester Christmas Market      all the bewildering choices of coffee and next to them what they meant in simple
       English!  Latte – Coffee with milk; Skinny Latte – Coffee with skimmed milk – you get
       the picture?  We have so much to choose from in our lives and we are pulled one
    December      way  and  another  by  skilful  advertising  and  tempting  brands.    We’re  also
       persuaded to think that if we have all the ‘must haves’ we’ll be happier, and our
 8th   Communibus  -  Salisbury Christmas Market      lives will be fulfilled.  The pressure of keeping up with everyone else and the choice
       available can be overwhelming.
 9th   AL: Christmas AFternoon
       This problem is, by no means, a new one, the products and the way we live may
       have  changed,  but  people  have  always  wanted  more  and  put  their  trust  in
 10th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   6.00pm
       material things.  There is a prophet called Jeremiah in the Old Testament, so that is
       many years before Jesus was born, who tried to show the people how foolish they
 11th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   7.00pm   were being in trusting in human powers and how they had a simple choice.  He
       gave them this illustration – if you try to satisfy your life with material things you will
 12th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   2.00pm   be like a shrub in the desert that is desperate for shade and nourishment, but if

 18th  PiP  -  Carols and Mince Pies   10.00-12.00
            Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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