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December 2020
 ADVERTISING RATES                   December 2020
 for the year 2021   THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE

 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)   with TURNERSPUDDLE
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.

 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part   Our Vision:    Our Mission:
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are   To make Christ’s love   To encourage awareness of the
 automatically included on both village websites.   known in the world today   presence of God through worship
        and to live out his teaching
 Full page, full year   £260   Full page, one month   £38   music and the arts;

                                                 To encourage everyone in the
 Half page, full year   £160   Half page, one month   £22
                                                Christian faith through example,
 Third page, full year   £120   Third page, one month   £16
                                                  learning and spiritual growth;

 Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month   £13
                                               To make our churches open and
 Small-ads, full year   £70   Small-ads, one month   £11   welcoming to all, and supportive of
                                                                 those in need;

 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
                                           abroad and to balance our care for
                                                              the environment.


       Dear friends
       My childhood teddy bear comes out for an airing every so often, he usually lives
       in  a  bag  on  a  shelf,  but  he  does  make  a  very  good  visual  aid.    He  is  almost
       threadbare  – with patches and holes and stuffing falling out, one eye, you get
       the picture.  He bears the signs of being well loved.
       Most  of  us  reading  this  probably  feel  a  bit  like  my  teddy  –  we  might  be  a  bit
       squashed and threadbare in places, but hopefully we’re a little wiser, softer and
       less selfish. Loving has worn us into the shape we are.  We know that loving isn’t
       always  easy,  but  from  experience  we certainly  know  its  worth  living  lovingly.   If
       ever there were a time for sharing the love this is it.  As I write we still have no idea
       how the next year will pan out because of Covid-19, how and when there will be
       a vaccine, how the NHS will cope this winter and to cap it all there are the Brexit
       trade negotiations still going on, how will they affect us, and what sort of shape
       our country will be in this time next year, who knows.  So, sharing the love seems to
       be the only thing to do. Christmas is, of course, all about sharing love and good
       We celebrate Christmas because God shared with us his son Jesus, born to Mary
       and Joseph in an ordinary stable in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago because he

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